Tuesday weigh in thread : who's in???



  • ironband
    ironband Posts: 157 Member
    Jillsdancin - so sorry for your loss - sound like he lead a full life, though! Labs are great workout partners, and I don't know about you but when mine sees my running shoes she goes crazy! He'll live on in your memories - Good on you for getting back out there today!

    As for the fair, I managed to escape eating only some popcorn :) Still on track, planning a run tonight!
  • mcc75
    mcc75 Posts: 72
    And well done for not gaining during a stressfull period
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    What a great idea!!! I would love to join :D
  • ohiomom0503
    ohiomom0503 Posts: 38 Member
    I'm in. I weigh everyday, just for accountability, but Tuesday is my "official" weigh in day anyway.
  • Aid_B
    Aid_B Posts: 427
    Week 2 Update

    Week 1 6:30 194lbs/88 kg. 6lb lost since last weigh in
    Week 2 6:30 195lbs/88.5 kg. 1lb gain since last weigh in . Total Weight loss 10lb

    Aid :o)
  • mcc75
    mcc75 Posts: 72
    Hi Aid, hope you're not too dissapointed with the gain. You did have a massive loss last week. Try look at the bigger picture...10 pounds is still a big loss so far. Dont give up...

    Well i lost 4 pounds which i am well chuffed about as i havent lost that much in a whole week in ages. And best of all my calf injury dseems to be better and i managed to do run club last night...

    Look fwd to everyone elses updates
  • kevandkeira
    kevandkeira Posts: 49 Member
    Im so disappointed I've stayed the same again, for the 2nd week in a row.
    I have been sticking to 1200 calories & burning 500-600 calories 5 days a week, the only thing I can put it down to is not eating my exercise calories!!
    So from today I will be eating them back & see how that goes, do you recommend eating all of them or just some??
  • mcc75
    mcc75 Posts: 72
    I would seriously say eat some back..i aim for about half or 80%. BUT the key is use them wisely.I think if you have more calories its easy to think oh i can have a bag of crisps or a bit of this...maybe just have more on a 'training day' thats what i do...more i burn more i eat...Try not to be disheartened...you didnt gain"!!! Did you see the thread abou 'just keep on going'? it was inspirational..someone posted there secret to weight loss...and it was simple..keep going when you lose, when you gain, when you plateau..when youve had a bad day good day..just keep going etc,,
  • adamswife01
    adamswife01 Posts: 95 Member
    I am in!

    7/5/11 143lbs
    7/12/11 142 lbs
  • Aid_B
    Aid_B Posts: 427
    Hi Aid, hope you're not too dissapointed with the gain. You did have a massive loss last week. Try look at the bigger picture...10 pounds is still a big loss so far. Dont give up...

    Well i lost 4 pounds which i am well chuffed about as i havent lost that much in a whole week in ages. And best of all my calf injury dseems to be better and i managed to do run club last night...

    Look fwd to everyone elses updates

    4lb is awesome ! :o)

    Not dissapointed at all, i think i was a little dehydrated last tuesday, so it's all good !
  • southtowngirl
    southtowngirl Posts: 72 Member
    7/5/11 ........ 154.2
    7/12/11 .......153.0
  • ironband
    ironband Posts: 157 Member
    Solid progress this week - weighed in at 248 for a loss of 3.5 lbs from last week. I was excited that MFP did a recalc on my goals since I broke the ten pound mark! I've been honestly having a hard time eating all my calories - healthy food is sooo much more filling - so the modest reduction is welcome.

    Blog to be updated tomorrow - until next week, keep up the good work everyone! And I agree, no matter what, keep going!
  • flnfrgge
    flnfrgge Posts: 34 Member
    7/5/2011 190.0
    7/12/2011 188.0

    2 lb. loss!!! :) Hope everyone is having a good week.
  • sure, my weigh in day is tuesday anyways :)
  • mcc75
    mcc75 Posts: 72
    well where is everyone else??
    Heres an update
    Jogging all the way : +1 (but he's ok with it as he lost 6 last week so 5 pound in 2 weeks is fab)
    southbond -1.2
    MCC75 -4
    Ironband -3.5
    fln -2

    Sorry for incorrect names they are from memory
    Good effort everyone!!
    Danish pastries in the office today........HELP!!!!!!!! give me strength !!
  • mcc75
    mcc75 Posts: 72
    Morning..whos ready to weigh in????????????/ Ironband? i know you're ready but prob need to go to sleep first
    Well i lost 1.2 pounds. Not loads and being female and being impatiend i would have liked more...but im happy with it as after 4 oubd loss last week i think its good over 2 weeks...plus i didnt always spend my exercise calories wisely...few chips, yogurts crisps etc. But hey if a bad week equals 1.2 loss im happy

    Good luck everyone else...keep us posted!!
  • Aid_B
    Aid_B Posts: 427
    Week 3 Update (Bad week)

    Week 1 6:30 194lbs/88 kg. 6lb lost since last weigh in
    Week 2 6:30 195lbs/88.5 kg. 1lb gain since last weigh in . Total Weight loss 10lb
    Week 3 6:30 195lbs/88.5 kg. No Loss since last weigh in . Total Weight loss 10lb

    Aid :o)
  • southtowngirl
    southtowngirl Posts: 72 Member
    7/5/11 ........ 154.2
    7/12/11 .......153.0
    7/19/11........152.2 - not what I'd hoped for, but at least it's something.
  • mcc75
    mcc75 Posts: 72
    never mind...any idea why? have you looked back through the week see if you did anything differently? Like i know i definitey didnt always spend my calories wisely
  • ironband
    ironband Posts: 157 Member
    Down 1 lb. today. I knew the 3 pound losses couldn't keep on forever! Still quite happy as long as the trend is down. 13.5 lbs in 5 weeks is an average of 2.7 lbs per week. Considering I attended three parties this weekend and ate a few more desserts than usual, I really can't complain.

    I've added EA Sports Active 2 to my workout regimen and am definitely feeling it! Heading into the new week with continued optimism...I'll be putting up a blog tomorrow with the top ten takeaways from my first month on MFP.

    Let's do this!

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