Thinking about doing 30 Day Shred. . .

hanes222 Posts: 20 Member
edited September 29 in Fitness and Exercise
Hello everyone! So, I never really have gotten into the home video workouts but I have heard wonderful things on here from people about the 30 Day Shred DVD.

What are your opinions? Any tips?

Anything helps!!!! (:


  • Chiqui74
    Chiqui74 Posts: 72 Member
    I'm sure someone is going to disagree with me but, in my opinion, the 30 Day Shred isn't really something a complete couch potato, so to speak, can just up and do. I think you have to have some level of fitness to be able to get through it. The first time I tried the Shred, a long time ago, I thought I was going to die about 8 minutes into the first workout. I started again over a week ago (I"m MUCH more fit now) and it's so much easier this time. Not easy, just easier.

    Good luck either way!
  • heather752
    heather752 Posts: 17
    I have just recently started the 30 Day Shred! I have done day 7 now. I have done mine 7 days straight after not exercising in years (and I am a smoker) Day 1 I felt like I was going to throw up, and pass out, and my legs were like jello (I mean I could hardly walk) Day 2- I was terribly sore...but I thought... I am going to do this again! It has gotten easier every day, and now I can keep up with no problems.
    ADVICE.......Do more stretching before and after the workout that what is on the DVD....much better to prevent injuries!
    Hope that helps, and good luck! I think you will love it once you get past the first few days!
  • cheesesandwich
    cheesesandwich Posts: 79 Member
    I'm about halfway through it and it's 100% worth the effort if you're not terribly in shape! The first few days can be brutal, but there ARE modified versions of almost every move on every level. Seconding the suggestion that you should do extra stretching though, Jillian only does a few minutes and it's just not enough.
  • melbrow
    melbrow Posts: 2
    30 day shred is an awesome dvd, but I agree with the previous post, if you are just starting it will be a little intimidating. But that's what's great about dvd's you can do it at your own pace. Give it a try; you can also go to the library and get it; that way you want waste your money if it's not for you. :wink:

  • hanes222
    hanes222 Posts: 20 Member
    Thank you so much for the input!! I am pretty physically fit, I was just trying to find a DVD I could do at home that would have the intensity I am looking for without being over the top. Sounds like I have found the perfect at-home option! I should be getting the DVD any day now, so we'll see where it takes me.

    Thanks again, it's so nice to have input and support from others. Makes this journey a little easier.
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