Feel like I have been on a binge for over a week

I feel like I am on a constant binge, I am staying under calories *on average* but keep eating the wrong foods and occasionally going over on calories. I am (slower now) losing weight still though.

Does anyone else feel that way?


  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    heck..i go on binges every blue moon..

    a few weeks ago...it was bad..the wife was away and i was alone..i drank vodka, rum...ate key lime pie, cheetos, brownies and pizza the whole time...aaahhh what a week.

    maintained my weight tho..hehe
  • Fayve
    Fayve Posts: 406 Member
    Yes. I've been going over calories slightly all week. Not enough that I expect to 'gain' weight, but it's always crappy food choices that make me feel as though I've consumed an extra 1000 calories or so. I also have a hard time with the "well, I already screwed up, so it doesn't matter" mentality.

    Tomorrow I plan to start fresh and get back at it I hope. Starting with throwing out the rest of the bag of chips in my kitchen out (they weren't that great anyways...)
  • ak_in_ak
    ak_in_ak Posts: 657 Member
    I know what you mean, i ate so good today at work, but can home and went crazy, had a turkey hot dog, beans and cheese, and some marshmallows. I am about to work out to make up for it but i still felt terrible I ate so much over, this happens every night...
  • sweetsteph03
    sweetsteph03 Posts: 22 Member
    Do you feel like you are eating more because you are hungry? Or is it emotional? Or maybe you feel deprived of some foods and give in?

    I think the most important thing is not too have a bad week and let it ruin your overall motivation.
  • campi_mama
    campi_mama Posts: 350 Member
    When that has happened to me in the past usually I just need one day...one day of "on point" eating....to kick my head back in the game. Focus on getting through one day without "cheating" (even if it's in your cal allowance) and that should help. If I allow myself treats on a daily basis I don't feel as good and I don't lose as well. You can do it. Just try and clean it up and leave the other stuff behind:flowerforyou:
  • candistyx
    candistyx Posts: 547 Member
    Do you feel like you are eating more because you are hungry? Or is it emotional? Or maybe you feel deprived of some foods and give in?

    I think the most important thing is not too have a bad week and let it ruin your overall motivation.
    I tend to think "emotional" eating is overplayed. I think cravings outside of hunger are more biochemical than emotional (not that emotions aren't themselves biochemical...).

    I think I just find it hard to get used to "healthy" food when I love so much "junk" and it's all around and everyone else gets to eat it.