For those down moments when you question it all

So I'm going to get right to the point, I need support.

I am trying my hardest to lose 2st ( 28lbs ) I'm currently at 165lbs and I hate looking in the mirror.
All of fat seems to go to my stomach, hips and boobs.

I have made this little discussion as I feel I need support from outside of my family and friends.
My boyfriend, he is so supportive but because he's a gym freak and has an amazing body he doesn't understand when I start to feel down and unhappy with myself. He just tells me I have to stick to it and go to the gym.
My friends? They all look great and don't need to diet or lose weight and I feel like they won't understand how I feel.

I am really trying. I stick to a 1200 calorie diet but even now I'm struggling with sticking to that because the weather is getting cold and I tend to eat more when it's cold. ( silly I know )

I take pictures to get motivation from seeing a difference, which I do see a difference but not as much as I'd like too. I know it takes time and effort and normally I feel great and happy about getting on with my day but sometimes I get these down moments when I feel like ""why have I let myself get like this"
2 years ago, I lost a lot of weight in a short amount of time because I had a job walking for 7 hours a day, but now I work in an office and have gained all the weight again.

I'm really struggling to get my head back into it and get the body back that I want.


  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    How tall are you, OP?
  • amandaclairexo
    amandaclairexo Posts: 4 Member
    I'm 5ft 5/ 6
    I'm new to this. What's OP?
  • owenbohn
    owenbohn Posts: 2 Member
    OP=original poster
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,182 Member
    You know the answer already. Walking 7 hours a day, increasing your TDEE substantially, helped you live in a calorie deficit for a period of time in which you lost weight. This indicates that you don't have an unhealthy relationship with food. Rather, it is simply an unhealthy relationship with inactivity. I am not repeating your bf's advice to 'hit the gym'. Rather, I'm pointing out that 8 hours of sitting at a desk is just simply sedentary, and if you could break up your day into bouts of sitting no more than 30 minutes at a time, you'd satisfy the definition of lightly active. "Lightly Active" gives you a higher TDEE than "Sedentary", and is worth the effort to arrange. Even something as subversive as drinking water, forcing you to get up and walk to the restroom, counts to break up the bout of sedentary activity. Hitting the gym is still a beneficial activity, but you need not despair of success if you have barriers keeping you from the gym.
  • fposte2016
    fposte2016 Posts: 130 Member
    Hey op, I started where you are (I'm a lot shorter too) and have lost 19lbs since early Aug just logging my food every day, shooting for 1200 cals but making room where life intervened with anniversaries, birthdays, etc. so long as I was at a deficit most days and not going over tdee except on rare occasions, and exercising 3-5 days a week, whether running (started off walking and worked my way up) or strength training (got a pt and googled exercises and programs). It hasn't been that hard to do any one of these things, though doing them all consistently is a commitment. I used to be embarrassed to exercise or diet. I came up with all kinds of reasons (small kid, demanding job, etc.) to let it get worse. But then I just tackled it like it was another responsibility in my life. You can totally transition from any self loathing into pride at how strong and fast you are and how hard you've worked and how good you look and feel. I started to feel really really good about my weight loss around 60 days in, though I had mini victories all along the way. I still have too much lower stomach fat and upper arm fat and all that, and I too want to get to the goal weight you're shooting for, but now it really feels likely instead of just "I wish". Bottom line is you can do it. If I can, almost anyone can.