Caffeine addiction



  • MalkinMagic71
    MalkinMagic71 Posts: 1,433 Member
    Coke Zero is nectar from the gods. I drink a couple cans daily. Cures my craving for pop. Have lost almost 200lbs drinking it every day for almost a year. It's hard to drink regular coke or pepsi now. Can't stand diet coke/pepsi.. so coke zero was great to find.
  • robininfl
    robininfl Posts: 1,137 Member
    Diet soda or unsweet green tea. Try Diet Dr. Pepper and Coke Zero.

    I have quit caffeine a couple of times, whoever called it a "slight discomfort" had a very different experience than i did. 3 day migraine every time, puking and all. But once it was past, all i could tell i gained by quitting caffeine was a couple of pounds and less energy overall.

    There is plenty of evidence for good and bad effects of caffeine, i like my life better with some. The sugar sodas you should quit, that's empty calories. And learn to love water, your body does.
  • idioblast
    idioblast Posts: 114 Member
    edited October 2016
    I use caffeine pills. I found 100mg ones on Amazon and they work great for me. Especially because I don't like soda, coffee or tea.

    ETA - Saves me money too. A bottle of 120 pills is about $6 and lasts me about two months, where my husband gets his caffeine from Mountain Dews at close to $2 a pop!
  • marisanne
    marisanne Posts: 38 Member
    I appreciate all the suggestions. I guess my main goal is to cut out the caffeine that is causing weight gain. I drink alot if soda and I wantes to quit that. I never acquired a taste for the diet drinks. I have been drinking unsweetened black tea all day today and I have had a minor headache but nothing as unbearable as quitting cold turkey.
  • marisanne
    marisanne Posts: 38 Member
    marisanne wrote: »
    I appreciate all the suggestions. I guess my main goal is to cut out the caffeine that is causing weight gain. I drink alot if soda and I wantes to quit that. I never acquired a taste for the diet drinks. I have been drinking unsweetened black tea all day today and I have had a minor headache but nothing as unbearable as quitting cold turkey.

    I meant the caffeine type drinks that are causing weight gain like the sodas.
  • crzycatlady1
    crzycatlady1 Posts: 1,930 Member
    marisanne wrote: »
    I started out this morning drinking unsweetened black tea. I havent had a coke. I got aanother tea for lunch. I guess my game plan is to switch completely to tea so that I can ditch the sugar in the soda and then incorporate more water

    I like diet soda and drink several cans a day, but I also like Bigelow plantation mint black tea, with a bit of liquid 0 calorie sweetener added in. It's my afternoon and evening drink :)
  • jaedwa1
    jaedwa1 Posts: 114 Member
    I think you're on the right track with the tea. I was a coffee drinker for a long time but it really started bothering my stomach. When I tried to quit, I was unbearably nauseous and headachy. Thanks to a friend's suggestion, I switched to a Mate tea blend that had as much caffeine as coffee but none of the side effects. Funny thing was with the lack of side effects (the shakes, stomach problems), I drank way too much tea and didn't sleep for 3 days. :) But the best benefit of switching to tea was finding I was no longer addicted to caffeine. I could go days without any tea and felt just fine. Now I drink green tea in the morning if I want a bit of a kickstart but I don't need it. I also drink different herbals teas in the evening which helped decrease my wine habit. Tea is awesome.
  • H_Ock12
    H_Ock12 Posts: 1,152 Member
    Caffeine pills! When I first started trying to lose weight, I was drinking 6+ 12oz Mtn Dews a days and tried to stop cold turkey. After several days of misery, I started taking a 200mg caffeine pill with water every morning and the misery stopped! Over the past six months, I've weened off the pills and now only have one (or two) as a preworkout. I even have a Mtn Dew occassionally :)
  • K3rB3ar89
    K3rB3ar89 Posts: 263 Member
    Caffeine pills! When I first started trying to lose weight, I was drinking 6+ 12oz Mtn Dews a days and tried to stop cold turkey. After several days of misery, I started taking a 200mg caffeine pill with water every morning and the misery stopped! Over the past six months, I've weened off the pills and now only have one (or two) as a preworkout. I even have a Mtn Dew occassionally :)

    I'm bad.. I take caffine pills before the gym lots.. it helps me push just that much harder.. that or my husband has a caffine drink powder before he goes to tge gym. it's just an extra pick me up I guess lol
  • StaciMarie1974
    StaciMarie1974 Posts: 4,138 Member
    edited October 2016
    To break a caffeine addiction, try weaning yourself off of it. For a week alternate between caffeine-free and caffeinated drinks. The next week, drop the caffeine a little more. Cold turkey can be tough - the headaches are NOT pleasant.

    Or wait until you get a headache, and take an extra strength Excedrin. It has caffeine in addition to aspirin and acetomenophen. (Probably spelled wrong.)

    PS-your original question is about caffeine but other posts seem to indicate the problem is the calories in the soda? I switched to diet. I started w/ drinking diet Dr. Pepper because its aftertaste is less intense. Or Diet Rite which has a different (no cal) sweetener than other diet sodas. Kind of a gateway diet lol. Now I drink whatever diet brand soda that is the best price. Regular tastes funny to me.
    marisanne wrote: »
    I need some suggestions for kicking this soda addiction. I have tried and tried but Every time I stop I get bad headaches that last for days and I feel awful. I can never seem to get through it but I desperately want to find a way because I know it's a huge part of my weight gain

  • DaytonaTheHousecat
    DaytonaTheHousecat Posts: 37 Member
    Have you tried kombucha ? It's bubbly and you can make it yourself.