Keto friends

Started keto 2 days ago. Looking for friends on mfp who follow the same woe. Ty!


  • mantha970
    mantha970 Posts: 8 Member
    Im starting today, never tried it before.
  • cmr5617
    cmr5617 Posts: 1 Member
    Started 2 weeks ago, had a few slip ups and am trying to get it right. We can do this!!
  • cuhparks
    cuhparks Posts: 2 Member
    Been doing keto off and on for over a year. I've lost 83 lbs!
  • fastingfitfran
    fastingfitfran Posts: 4 Member
    Been doing keto for 22 days and lost 9.5 lbs so far. Add me as a keto buddy if you like, and please have your food diaries open so we can get inspired by each other's choices :)