Back and forth!!

Berto8Teen Posts: 10 Member
About 2 years ago I began a weight loss journey and I attacked it with a pure killer instinct. I had lost 61 pounds over the course of 9 months. Then life happened to me. I lost my job, got very depressed and frustrated and in a blink of an eye, I gained all that weight back. I would always look at the pics I took over that journey and would literally tear up. But now I'm back at this journey again and am down 6 pounds. I had bought a whole new wardrobe when I lost all that weight before. Obviously I no longer fit into those clothes but I had refused to fully give up on myself. I will lose this weight again. #FOCUS


  • Berto8Teen
    Berto8Teen Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks, I truly appreciate it...
  • Motorsheen
    Motorsheen Posts: 20,508 Member
    You did it once, so you know how..... if you think that you can do it again, you will.

    Best of luck
  • LuminaStele
    LuminaStele Posts: 85 Member
    You got this!
  • Berto8Teen
    Berto8Teen Posts: 10 Member
    Yeah I'm fortunate to have done this before so I know what to expect and I know what it takes. Thanks for the support, you all are awesome.
  • mommaporter11
    mommaporter11 Posts: 56 Member
    I did almost the same thing.. but when life happens I had my second baby an needless to say ALL my cute new clothes doesn't fit anymore. But I'm back at it again to get this weight off again! You can do it just stay focused on that end result :)