New moms with weight to lose?

Hey! I had a baby 5 weeks ago and was just cleared for exercise by my doctor. I rejoined MFP to try to lose my remaining 15ish pounds of baby weight and then 20 pounds more by my baby's first birthday next September for a final weight of 127 (I'm 5'5" and currently 160 but was 147 pre-baby). I'd love anyone else who is losing post-baby weight gradually and healthily to friend me!


  • MommiShley
    MommiShley Posts: 3 Member
    Hello, congratulations on the baby. My daughter is 2 and I have been gaining and loosing. I hope this new determination helps me shed and maintain a healthy wieght. Best wishes on your wieght loss.
  • natalia_88
    natalia_88 Posts: 1 Member
    My daughter is 11 months and I still have not lost all of my baby weight! Honestly, I really need to be more consistent with a healthy diet, I like pizza too much
  • punk_doll
    punk_doll Posts: 1 Member
    -mummy of 2yr old,, i normally ran 5km previously, until i was involved in a new project lately. Plus i really have a big appetite.
    Anyone who has done the boiled-egg-diet?
  • SuperNerd42
    SuperNerd42 Posts: 47 Member
    Hi all! I just rejoined for a fresh start. My littlest and last baby is just over a week old! I'm hoping to lose a total of 25 lbs- 15 to get me to pre-baby weight and 10 more to final goal weight. My first priority is to figure out healthy eating habits with two kids to chase now. I can already see myself slipping into convenience foods because time is tight or the days are crazy. Good luck all!