Im eating ____ and losing _____

mamato3babes Posts: 125
Ok so Tell me...
How much more do you have/want to lose?
how many calories are you consuming?
How much are you losing a week?
I've been playing with my calories and still so unsure of what I should be consuming.
I started out at 1200.... lost 15 gained a few back when switching to 1400, now am starting to lose again!
(still not at my lowest weight since this journey tho.... 3 more lbs to go for that)
I have about 15-20 more lbs to lose!


  • editara13
    editara13 Posts: 384 Member
    Now that I'm maintaining my achieved goal weight, I'm eating 1900-2000 calories per day for the past month and I'm not gaining any weight anymore and still doing my 40 minutes workout routine and of course drinking lots of water, because i'm addicted to it :-). It feels great to eat good and keep my perfect weight... :-)

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • How much more do you have/want to lose?

    32lbs- I started at 145lbs and still a long way to go!

    how many calories are you consuming?

    1200 basic, but probably around 1700 when I factor in my workouts.

    How much are you losing a week?

    Around 0.5lbs to 1lb! Slow but steady, have to keep telling myself this!
  • innerfashionista
    innerfashionista Posts: 451 Member
    I eat between 1500 and 1600 a day, working out 5-6 times a week for at least 45 minutes, but it's usually more between an hour and an hour and a half. Whenever you increase your calories, you will gain a pound or two before you start dropping again. Ultimately, what works for me may not work for you. When I'm not in a plateau I average 1.5-2 pounds a week. It took me a long time to figure out my body and what worked with it, though. You may be stuck in a plateau, which is common. Try mixing up your foods/workouts, or eating back your workout calories, if you don't do that already, to see if that helps.
  • karlafales
    karlafales Posts: 10 Member
    look up some articles on calorie shifting or calorie cycling. This has worked well for me. I toggle between 1100- 1300 lbs every few weeks. It makes it so your body doesn't get use to one amount and avoid starvation modes. Some body builders do it daily even
  • How much more do you have/want to lose?
    --My original goal was 155, but I moved it to 145, so I have 15 left to lose.

    how many calories are you consuming?
    --at least 1200, but usually closer to 1500 with exercise calories

    How much are you losing a week?
    --I average about 1.5lbs a week
  • mamato3babes
    mamato3babes Posts: 125

    Thanks so much! I think I may seriously try the calorie zig zagging :) Lots of great info!
  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    How much more do you have/want to lose? 40-42pounds ( I started at 213pounts and am currently 191)
    how many calories are you consuming? between 1500-1800 its never the same if I`m under 2000 for the day I`m very happy :) plus I`m always under at least alittle of what it would be with my exercise added in
    How much are you losing a week? it depends sometimes only 1pound a week other weeks its been 3-4 pounds but its been a steady loss so far
  • mamato3babes
    mamato3babes Posts: 125
    I eat between 1500 and 1600 a day, working out 5-6 times a week for at least 45 minutes, but it's usually more between an hour and an hour and a half. Whenever you increase your calories, you will gain a pound or two before you start dropping again. Ultimately, what works for me may not work for you. When I'm not in a plateau I average 1.5-2 pounds a week. It took me a long time to figure out my body and what worked with it, though. You may be stuck in a plateau, which is common. Try mixing up your foods/workouts, or eating back your workout calories, if you don't do that already, to see if that helps.

    Thanks for the ideas and suggestions :)
    And Great job on your weightloss!
  • mamato3babes
    mamato3babes Posts: 125
    look up some articles on calorie shifting or calorie cycling. This has worked well for me. I toggle between 1100- 1300 lbs every few weeks. It makes it so your body doesn't get use to one amount and avoid starvation modes. Some body builders do it daily even

    Ty for the links!
    Great job on your weightloss hon :) Thats awesome!
  • helenoftroy1
    helenoftroy1 Posts: 638 Member

    How much more do you have/want to lose?
    I want to lose 26 pounds more, ideally 40 but 26 would be fine
    how many calories are you consuming?
    1200 a day
    How much are you losing a week?
    I lose 2 lbs a week pretty consistently and sometimes (rarely) for no reason I have a big loss of 4-5lbs
    I exercise 4 times a week and just watch calories in, calories out. I drink nothing but water and green tea during the day, and once or twice a week have a couple of glasses of red wine.
  • Articeluvsmemphis
    Articeluvsmemphis Posts: 1,987 Member
    I'm kind of weird, so I don't stay within a particular calorie range. it depends on the day, how i feel, and what kind of exercise i do. I can go anywhere from 1200-2500 calories a day. i exercise everyday between 15minutes to 1 1/2hours {maybe 2 if I walk at the park one day.} i drink a lot of water, and idk how much i loose a week. typically started at 1-2 a week. sometimes almost 7{2 separate times} when i changed up my workout. but i had to deal with being sick a couple months since i started, and going back to old habits, so not far along as i should be. but moral of the story, i try to make good choices not thinking about a specific calorie range, just so long as there is a calorie deficit for the day. hope my rambling helps :)
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    How much more do you have/want to lose?
    I'm pretty much at goal, but wouldn't object to losing a few more. If I lose a little more fat but gain a few pounds in muscle, I'd be ok with that, too.

    How many calories are you consuming?
    1500 Mon-Fri plus exercise calories, averaging around 1800 a day. I usually don't track on weekends. I don't pay much attention to carbs or fat, but I aim to max out my protein every day.

    How much are you losing a week?
    Half pound a week. Occasionally more. According to the circumference method of calculating body fat, of the last 10 pounds I lost, 9 have been from fat.
  • spgabby86
    spgabby86 Posts: 323 Member

    WOW thanks for sharing...that was some good information
  • gibbonm
    gibbonm Posts: 26 Member
    Ok so Tell me...
    How much more do you have/want to lose?
    how many calories are you consuming?
    How much are you losing a week?
    I've been playing with my calories and still so unsure of what I should be consuming.
    I started out at 1200.... lost 15 gained a few back when switching to 1400, now am starting to lose again!
    (still not at my lowest weight since this journey tho.... 3 more lbs to go for that)
    I have about 15-20 more lbs to lose!

    ~1500-1800 (but doing average 500cals a day exercise and thats included in the figure)
    1/2 lb

    Male, 170lbs, 40, 180cm.
  • angela828
    angela828 Posts: 498 Member
    How much more do you have/want to lose?
    Need to lose 25 more to get to my first real Goal Weight of 150 and then from there on I will see how I feel.. I am thinking I want to be around 140. (I'm between 5'6" and 5'7")

    How many calories are you consuming?
    On a day with no exercise I only eat 1200 or a LITTLE less. On exercise days, I eat between 1300-1700 usually (NET around 700-1100). I eat about half my exercise calories back, sometimes more. Depends on the day, really.

    How much are you losing a week?
    .5 - 2lbs a week. The most has been 3lbs and the least has been .5 It's not very consistent, lately it's been 1.5lbs a week. I weigh in on Fridays and have never once had a gain then. (woo!)
  • CARNAT22
    CARNAT22 Posts: 764 Member
    Well I am 5 months in and almost at goal weight... Just 4lbs to go. I have always been on 1200 cals per day and I always eat back most of my exercise calories!

    I had a pretty consistent weekly loss for my first 3.5 months. I would lose 2lbs every other week (for some reason?) and I did meet my initial goal weight but I decided to add on a few more lbs (Original goal weight was 115lbs and I now want 112lbs)

    I did get down to 114lbs but then put on 3lbs when I went off plan for a bit. I lost a lb when I came back so am now at 116lbs but nothing is happening.

    Maybe I need to play with my calories a little - if I have not lost at my next weigh in I may consider going to 1300 per day...

    I want to add that on 8th May I stopped smoking after 15 years so I am pretty pleased that I have managed not to have a significant gain.... I think the "average" gain when people stop smoking is around the 10lb mark!!! So i am doing well with 2lbs.

    My aim now is to work on my fitness. I have shifted some weight but it been mainly through diet as opposed to exercise.

    I want to drop the last 4lbs and tone up in time for a holiday in September.
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