Aged 22 with 50lbs to lose!

Hey! I'm looking to add some friends who are in the same boat as me, so we can motivate eachother along the way and inspire eachother to achieve our goals! Please add me or comment and I'll add you :-)


  • Mckie333
    Mckie333 Posts: 18 Member
    I had to lose 40lb.I have lost around 25lb by now.
    Feel free to add me.
  • Mrgoals
    Mrgoals Posts: 21 Member
    Looking forward to friends and motivation to reach some fitness goals. Feel free to add me
  • 19 years old with 66pounds to lose, feel free to add me, I'd love to help you on your journey :)
  • GatesJa
    GatesJa Posts: 3 Member
    23 years old and I have 70 pounds to lose as well, feel free to add me. Looking forward to the journey with everyone!! :):)
  • amato1504
    amato1504 Posts: 2 Member
    Good luck!
  • mandykat42
    mandykat42 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm 20 with about 95 pounds to lose. I'm starting this journey today, and I am looking for support as well!
  • Erotyka
    Erotyka Posts: 82 Member
    I'm 22 - had 90 to lose, now 75! Pop me a message if you'd like.