Moving to level 2 of 30DS

I'm currently on day of 30 Day Shred Level 1 and I'm doing OK. Not great but not as horrible as when I first started. I'm still having a hard time doing the push-ups in the beginning though. I'm doing all girl push-ups and even towards the end of those I sometimes collapse because I can't do anymore. I'm also not doing much of the advanced "Natalie" moves because I'm exhausted just trrying to do the 'Anita" moves. I'm supposed to be moving on to Level 2 in 2 days but I'm concerned I'm not ready. Any thoughts/advice? Are there a ton of push-ups on level 2? Will I still see results if I move on and can't do everything 100%?


  • Bruzzeseangel
    And that's supposed to say day 8 of level 1!
  • sammys1girly
    sammys1girly Posts: 1,045 Member
    I'm on day 5 of level 2 and there are more planks and pushups than level 1. How much do the weights weigh that you are using?
  • KatyE213
    KatyE213 Posts: 446 Member
    I am at about the same place as you, couple of days to go on Level 1. Don't think I will EVER be able to do pushups without going on my knees and I don't think I could manage the whole workout following Natalie. However, it is a LOT easier than when I started so I think I'm going to move on this week and see what Level 2 brings :smile: I saw a post on here recently that said a lot of the strength moves on Level 2 are much more difficult, but then again some of the them on Level 1 were difficult at the start. Good luck anyway.
  • TeenaMarina
    TeenaMarina Posts: 420 Member
    For me, Level 2 was harder than Level 3! Lots of "plank" stuff, which is harder for me than all the jumping around. I've read on here that some people spend longer on each level than the DVD says to do. I think the important part is doing it every day, and doing your best at it. Maybe move on when you're more comfortable to do so. Good job on your progress so far!!! It really does get easier (not the workout, lol, but you'll get better at doing it). x
    HEBLAS Posts: 12 Member
    i do the 30 day shred DVD also,... I think it is important to move on because your body gets used to doing the same thing over and over..... dont worry about not being able to do the "natalie" moves.... just do the best you can do.... there are not actual pushups in level 2 but there are Planks, which are harder..... I think, anyway.... Let us know how you do!! Good luck!
  • melliebee
    melliebee Posts: 187 Member
    I am just starting level 3 today!! I have done each level at my own pace. (been on level 2 for 3 weeks now!!) you don't have to move on if you don't feel like you are ready!!! I am doing 30 DS every day but going at my own pace!! Level 2 is more difficult, but I found that I didn't get nearly as sore as level 1!

    Ps. Doesn't Jillian michaels' voice make you want to mute the tv sometimes???
  • Mathisfun
    Mathisfun Posts: 104 Member
    Like you I am having trouble with the push-ups. Today was day 7 of level 1....still doing "girl". Push-ups and not near as fast as them. Getting through the rest ok, sort of between the easy and the hard, start with the hard, by the end of the set doing the easy. I was also wondering whether to move on after day 10.
  • DixieDarlin1987
    DixieDarlin1987 Posts: 553 Member
    I've done the shred, and in my opinion you should move on to level 2 and attempt it. If it's too much, go back. The dvd is very challenging and it's supposed to be. If it starts to get easy at all, you won't be getting results. There's nothing wrong with girly push-ups as long as you're pushing yourself as hard as you can. If you're giving it everything you've got, then that's all that can be expected. I could only do 2 regular push-ups when I started the 30 DS but I pushed through all the levels, modifying when I needed to. Since then, I've done several of her other dvds and can do 15 regular push ups with good form. You've got to start somewhere!
  • sammys1girly
    sammys1girly Posts: 1,045 Member
    I am just starting level 3 today!! I have done each level at my own pace. (been on level 2 for 3 weeks now!!) you don't have to move on if you don't feel like you are ready!!! I am doing 30 DS every day but going at my own pace!! Level 2 is more difficult, but I found that I didn't get nearly as sore as level 1!

    Ps. Doesn't Jillian michaels' voice make you want to mute the tv sometimes???

    i DO mute the tv sometimes...she is so annoying! "don't think you can phone it in" = annoying!
  • Bruzzeseangel
    I'm actually using multiple weights as I find some things to be easie and some to be difficult. So anywhere from 3-8 lbs (the 8's are only for the chest fly's - I for sure can't do anything else with them!!).

    Haha Jillian and I have a love/hate relationship right now. I love when she says "You gotta stick with us and FIGHT for it". I hate ANY use of the word buddy. Leave poor Anita alone - she's feeling it ok?! ;)

    I think I'm going to see how the next few days go. Maybe I'll wait until Monday to start level 2. I'm just trying to get in as much as I can before the end of this month as I'm leaving for the beach the night of the 29th!
  • AHealthierRhonda
    AHealthierRhonda Posts: 881 Member
    Level 2 is killer! I was on it for 2 weeks before just moving on to Level 3. Once I made it throught e entire level without stopping a couple times, I decided it was time to move on. Level 3 is tough but in a very different way. I had heard that level 2 was the toughest one before starting it. I never made it through all the push ups in level 1 off of my knees but I did get through them by dropping to my knees. The 7 years of karate helped that out!
    Just don't get discouraged, keep on working your way through it and don't set a time frame. I've been working on 30DS since the end of May!! Just keep pushing through and you will do it.
  • MsKeelah919
    MsKeelah919 Posts: 332 Member
    I'm currently on day 4 of week 1, and I am not doing Natalie pushups either. LOL I will try them tomorrow (simply to see if I can...), but I just work on perfecting Anita pushups. Perfect form and execution is more important to me than doing it the advanced way. I am going to go to level 2 after this round just because I can make it through one...with a great burn and increased strength and endurance. I want change. I'm going to kick it up a notch! :)
  • AnuMe901
    AnuMe901 Posts: 44
    I'm on day 4 of level #2 and it has gotten a lot easier for me. More planks than push-ups tho. Keep at it and it will get easier. :)
  • MiNiMoNkI
    MiNiMoNkI Posts: 447 Member
    I will always do the the "girly press ups" no matter how many time i do this DVD, firstly, they are hard work, and secondly why tire yourself so much at the beginnning so you are unable to give the rest your all! You will be fine, there are adapted moves in level 2 (which i must say is my worst level) i still do the easier moved and im 116llbs and quite energetic. Do whats best for you, if you put in your all then you will get the results! good for you and well done
  • _beachgirl_
    _beachgirl_ Posts: 3,865 Member
    I did 10 days at Level 1 and moved on to Level 2. After 2 days at Level 2, I'm going back to Level 1. I just don't have the strength or flexibility yet to do Level 2. Rather than get discouraged or frustrated, I went back to Level 1.
  • AnuMe901
    AnuMe901 Posts: 44
    Ps. Doesn't Jillian michaels' voice make you want to mute the tv sometimes???

    LOL I play just the music.
  • LemonSocks
    LemonSocks Posts: 238 Member
    I completed 30DS some time ago and have been doing some of JM's longer DVDs since then - yet I STILL only do girl push-ups. I just can't do 'proper' push-ups no matter how hard I try. As long as you try your hardest at what you are capable of I don't think it matters that much though.

    If you don't feel your ready for level 2 then don't worry about it. Take it in your own pace and move on when you feel ready. I've seen a lot of people vary from moving up after 5 days to others moving on after 15 days.

    I will say that I agree with others in this thread that level 2 seemed harder than level 3, but that really depends on where your own strengths lie I guess.
  • zenchild
    zenchild Posts: 680 Member
    My plan is to do 10 days on each level doing the Anita moves. Then do Ripped in 30, and then 6 Week 6 Pack. After I've done all three at the Anita level I'll go back and do them at the Natalie level. It would take too long for me to get up to the Natalie level on each part so I'm moving up every 10 days. I also get bored easily. And I like to move up. It seems like I'm making progress, even though the scale and the tape don't agree.
  • lottee1000
    lottee1000 Posts: 447 Member
    If I were you I'd move up to level two anyway, and, if it kills you, move back down. But only if you cannot do most of it, remember how challenging level one was at the beginning?! I've done programs like this before and gone up and down levels when I feel I need to, and they've still worked. Just make sure you're accountable to yourself, don't stick with level one because you can do it, as you'll soon stop seeing the benefits!

    Also, What the hell is with push-ups??!!! Why are they so, so hard??!!! I will never be able to do more than two I'm sure!
  • casirdms
    casirdms Posts: 145 Member
    When I *tried* Level 2 last year it killed me. I ended up quitting bc I couldn't do all the planks and such!