Looking for people looking to lose around 40lb

freckles2392 Posts: 12 Member
edited October 2016 in Getting Started
Hi there! So I used to log on and off for the past few years but now I am done with being the fat friend and would like others in my range to be part of my journey. I am 24 years old, 188lb and 5'4. My goal is to be 145lb and maybe lose more once I get there. I just bought a gym membership so I am serious now. I have been eating well for the past two weeks compared to consuming my days calories in one meal. My daily calorie intake is 1710, I believe for my height and weight my TDEE is 2100. I am set to lose a lb a week and and lightly active working as a nurse and working out 3 to 4 times a week for about an 1 1/2 to 2 hours burning approx 500 cals. I usually do an hour of cardio and then any weights either arms or legs. Any takers? Would love a great support system with others! ❤️❤️❤️


  • agentbadbones
    agentbadbones Posts: 2 Member
    Hi there! I'm in the same boat as you. I came on here today to find some people to start a support network. I feel that it is an important part of my weight loss journey and when I don't have motivating people near me I fall off the wagon. I lost 30 lbs over in the past two years but have gained most of it back and now is time to get back on track.
  • alwinfie
    alwinfie Posts: 1 Member

    I'm definitely in the same boat. My weight has done nothing but increased for the past 6 months. Its time to many serious changes and hopefully with a support group.
  • denisehebert2012
    denisehebert2012 Posts: 1 Member
    edited October 2016
    Hello there.. yep same boat as you. I decided to get life insurance which requires blood work and such which was no problem for me since I'm not scared of needle although she pulled out scale to weigh me now that is what I was scared of lol haven't weighed myself in over eight months and I was shocked to learned how much I have gained honestly I knew I had gained weight but to see it on a scale and then have to write it down OMG I wanted to cry. I joined a gym over year ago but I guess it takes more than a membership to lose weight I literally have to go. My family very supportive although not helpful because they tell me I'm not fat, which is nice of them to tell me that so I don't cry. I have bad back so I need to lose atleast 40 lbs.. ANY HELP WITH MEAL PLANNING WOULD BE GREAT !!
  • PhiliswaM
    PhiliswaM Posts: 16 Member
    Hi there. I also came in here for support. I want to lose 30 pounds, which I have gained in 14 months (I know). My main problem is overeating. I don't mind exercising, its just that I Keep gaining because I eat so much. Keep me accountable and I will do the same for you. Any takers?
  • Ourcats2
    Ourcats2 Posts: 24 Member
    I was told that I will never loose very much weight unless I detox my liver. The liver is so busy trying to get the meds, coffee, and chemicals out of my system, and so the fat is getting stored, and protected by water. This is the simplified version but it made sense. I can cut calories and exercise, but in truth I'm actually burning the muscle cell not the belly fat. The liver needs to be free to filter the fat out. I'm switching to tea from coffee, :'(
    and drink cucumber lime infused water, as well as my normal calorie count and I'm going to step up my walking and weights, but not my cardio until I build some muscle.
  • amyfletcher6919
    amyfletcher6919 Posts: 11 Member
    edited November 2016
    I'm 36 years old and seen a recent picture of me the other day..and litterly started crying..I did realize how big i had gotten..this is the biggest i have ever been...I deserve better..to be healthy, look good and feel good about my self..something is got to change and now...I'm 5ft 1 and weight 209..my goal is 150..I'm not moving enough..I use the exuse I'm tired..really it just me being lazy..I will help motivate, in exchange I need someone who is gonna keep me in line and help me stay accountable..my daily calorie intake is 1200 and been doing good at that...I am 7 days water only with one cup of coffee. In the morning..I drink a lot of lemon water...I just bought a treadmill maybe that will end my lazy stile..it's sad to say
  • h3ktlk
    h3ktlk Posts: 38 Member
    I need to lose more on the lines of 50-60 but 40 is a good starting point. I have lost the weight before but put it back on. I put it back on during my the 9 months of pregnancy for me and my wifes last baby. I am more looking to make a life style change as far as diet and physical activity goes. Excuses are always a plenty with job, school, 5 kids, but really is there any excuse for my health?

  • chesitymcgee222
    chesitymcgee222 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello I would love to join you it helps to have friends to keep you motivated me as while
  • LizIsBack86
    LizIsBack86 Posts: 61 Member
    your all more than welcome to add me, wishign you all nothing but the best of luck along your journey :)
  • Meghanebk
    Meghanebk Posts: 321 Member
    I tend to lurk quietly with the occasional comment, but you're welcome to add me. I'm 5'0" and need to lose 35 or so pounds. I'm going the tortoise route though - it took me years to gain the weight, so I'll make small permanent changes to take it off.