Any Former Or Current Soldiers ???

Hello all,

I know that this is a weight lost site only. But I need some advice for the longest I've been wanting to join the millitary but always had someone pulling me back "saying no don't do it" or "if you go they're going to send you to iraq," but it really wouldn't bother me if I would have to go, if I were in the service. I look at like this it can't be anymore worst than where I'm Plus I know the lord would stand by my side. I've tried joining before but it didn't work because I failed the advasb test and got discouraged. So I gave up like a failure and said forget it. But I know it has to be for me because every so often I think about joining again. I have no idea what I wan't to do with myself besides going back to school, but I rather much join the service.So for all you former, and current soldiers do you have any advice and/or tips that could help me out?



  • HoopFire5602
    HoopFire5602 Posts: 423 Member
  • BonitaAppleBomb87
    National Guard
  • kapeluza
    kapeluza Posts: 3,434 Member
    My husband is National Guard. Ask away, I will get answers for you or maybe I know the answers :)
  • brbetha01
    brbetha01 Posts: 179 Member
    Do a few practice tests for the ASVAB. Recruiters have practice ASVAB tests so you can talk to yours to take it... at least the Army recruiters do. Army has even raised the entry standard with the ASVAB score because it's so over-manned.

    Branches depends on what you want to do and what you prefer. Once you practice and get a good score for the ASVAB, start working out and pushing yourself like crazy in order to be ready for basic instead of going and having a wake-up call on how out of shape you are.

    Good luck!
  • Kolohe71
    Kolohe71 Posts: 613 Member
    8 years total in the US Army, 3 years active duty & 5 years in the Reserves. Ask anything you want and I'll give you the most honest answer I can.
  • BonitaAppleBomb87
    8 years total in the US Army, 3 years active duty & 5 years in the Reserves. Ask anything you want and I'll give you the most honest answer I can.

    Ok my thing is that I heard that before you can join all of your cavities have to be filled in so I know that's going to be a problem because by me not working right now I don't have any insurance so I can't go to the dentist.
  • BonitaAppleBomb87
    Do a few practice tests for the ASVAB. Recruiters have practice ASVAB tests so you can talk to yours to take it... at least the Army recruiters do. Army has even raised the entry standard with the ASVAB score because it's so over-manned.

    Branches depends on what you want to do and what you prefer. Once you practice and get a good score for the ASVAB, start working out and pushing yourself like crazy in order to be ready for basic instead of going and having a wake-up call on how out of shape you are.

    Good luck!

    Thanks that's what I'm going to do and maybe do some general studies classes this fall
  • Kolohe71
    Kolohe71 Posts: 613 Member
    Ok my thing is that I heard that before you can join all of your cavities have to be filled in so I know that's going to be a problem because by me not working right now I don't have any insurance so I can't go to the dentist.
    Not really sure about this. Will be a good question for your recruiter.
  • Froggy1976
    Froggy1976 Posts: 472
    I did 10 years in the Navy. I had two cavities filled during bootcamp. They didnt make me do it before hand.
  • kparks770
    kparks770 Posts: 113 Member
    make sure u really want to do it. Some people think its easy and its not.I was injured and had issues because of who i am and being a woman.Things are probably a lot better now.I know its mostly a mind game.I dont trust recruiters. I was lied to though. Get the book what color is your parachute 2010.Its a good way to know.Also,you can get practice asvab tests online.Its not too hard just have to get plenty of rest ahead of time and be relaxed when you take it.If you really want it you can do it. You do not have to cut all ur hair off or have to pick the job they tell you.I was told that and ended up stuck doing something I didnt want to do.It was an experience and Im glad its over.Not all people are military material. I had some great times and some bad. Just make sure before you jump in cause once your in you cant get out!
  • brattyworm
    brattyworm Posts: 2,137 Member
    its all dependent on your mentality... if your single with no real attachments go for it... it can be some of the best experiences of your life, even those involving the middle east area.... and best experience doesnt mean happy exactly just means it makes you grow as a person and see things differently.

    spent 6 years in the navy... hated and loved every minute of it... i met my husband there, best thing that ever happened to me.
  • brbetha01
    brbetha01 Posts: 179 Member
    Dentist issue: Most people who have dental issues have those fixed in either Basic or AIT - it's never been an issue in order to get it done. Just hope you don't have to have your wisdom teeth taken out (which is what happened to my brother) - it's not as nice as having it done by an actual family dentist. :)

    Joining the military was the best decision I ever made - but you really have to want it because there are a bunch of politics and can get on your nerves at times.
  • susinator
    susinator Posts: 6 Member
    I was in the airforce. Best decision I ever made. You have to be physically healthy to include dental work to be on deployment status. So after you join they would make you get dental work. I dont think it would be a disqualifyer to need a cavity filled, but they will give you a physical exam. You need keep trying on the asvab. Good Luck!