Weight loss to get pregnant

Hi friends! Anybody else in the same boat?? Love to hear from you! Doctor said my 75 extra pounds is what's keeping my husband and I from conceiving, so it's time to get focused!


  • OrlaKane339
    OrlaKane339 Posts: 50 Member
    Hey Rebekah, I lost 95lbs from Oct 2014 to Aug 2015, then I got pregnant and now have a 5 month old gorgeous son.

    I've been diagnosed with PCOS since I was 18 and one of my ovaries is kinda stuffed and the other one isn't much better so if I can get pregnant I'm sure you can too!!!!

    Unfortunately through losing control of myself and my food intake I've put all my weight back on so I'm starting my journey again and have at least 100lbs to lose but I'd love another baby so I'm in the same boat as you.

  • Farrell73
    Farrell73 Posts: 94 Member
    I'm in the same boat! We should all be friends to encourage each other!
  • RebekahAnn88
    RebekahAnn88 Posts: 46 Member
    I am in the same boat. Been ttc for almost 4 years now. I have PCOS so I wasn't told I have to lose weight to get pregnant, but I know, it will make it happen. I've cut carbs and have been working out 6 days a week and I have lost 26 lbs since September 14th. I am hoping to be down 30 more lbs by new years, or better yet, pregnant!

    Oh wow! Great work! I would like to be at 199 by New Years so a similar goal but looks like I better get into higher gear for that! I did a lot of research on PCOS because my doc originally thought I might have that but the blood test was negative for the hormone imbalance but everything else fit pretty well.
  • betty90631
    betty90631 Posts: 9 Member
    Same boat I was in the process of slowly changing my habits of eating so i could loose weight slowly and keep it off so that i can get pregnant. But long story short, doctor thought i had PCOS blood work came back normal utrasound normal, went to obgyn got an endometrial biopsy and the biopsy came back with endometrial hyperplasia. It will hopefully be reversed by hormone treatment but the Doctor stressed i need to loose weight. So now on major dieting and eating healthy. Planning to loose atleast 15% of my weight in 6months.
  • RebekahAnn88
    RebekahAnn88 Posts: 46 Member
    Orla, thank you for your inspiration! I'm sure if you have done this before you will do it again!
  • RebekahAnn88
    RebekahAnn88 Posts: 46 Member
    Wow Betty! What a journey! Are you just starting as well?

    I was wanting some further testing done from my obgyn but she told me to wait until next year and maybe it's just the birth control that I have taken over the last 3 years that's been stored in my gradual weight gain while on it, so it's all on my weight loss to make it happen

  • fslumb
    fslumb Posts: 9 Member
    edited November 2016
    Im TTC too (with our first it happened instantly) so feeling really disheartened even though its only been 4 months! Hoping reducing my weight and generally eating better will boost my chances this month! Good luck everyone! Add me if you like xx
  • vesnaavramoska
    vesnaavramoska Posts: 9 Member
    I'm trying to lose some weight in hopes to get pregnant with my second child. It took us two years for my firsst baby and I am 5 lbs away from my prepregnancy weight ( she's 2 by the way). This past year my cycles went from 31 days to anywhere from 40 to 50 days. I'm hoping with the weight-loss it will get regulated. I started with 244 the day after her second birthday and I have lost 18 lbs so far. Hope to get to ONEderland and maybe get pregnant sometime in January. Sticky dust to all of us!
  • mimitvass
    mimitvass Posts: 21 Member
    I just had my son in June and I too have pcos weight loss and correct diet worked wonders on my fertility and same when I had my dd... Just wanted to share my success story don't lose hope!
  • betty90631
    betty90631 Posts: 9 Member
    Wow Betty! What a journey! Are you just starting as well?

    I was wanting some further testing done from my obgyn but she told me to wait until next year and maybe it's just the birth control that I have taken over the last 3 years that's been stored in my gradual weight gain while on it, so it's all on my weight loss to make it happen

    Yup just started on the 24th of October.