No more counting calories!

I really don't think counting calories is for me. I rarely end up within my recommended calorie intake BC when I try this calorie counting business, I tend to eat more calories than if I hadn't counted lol. It causes me to think about food more and until I can gain a healthy relationship with food, it's just not gonna work for me. Any insight? Anybody else struggle with this?


  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    I sort of get this. When I have a calorie goal I do find myself eating to hit the goal when I might not bother if I didn't know I had calories left. So it makes sense to me.

    So yes, it's got to be whatever works with adjustments and tweaks as necessary. Calorie counting overall works for me, some people don't need/can't do it for a variety of reasons.
  • VintageFeline
    VintageFeline Posts: 6,771 Member
    If you are overweight, you eat more than you think.

    They might have eaten more than they think but now they have calorie counted for a while have the tools to eat an appropriate amount. There are quite a few veterans round here who just counted for a little while then stopped and got to goal and now maintain without logging a thing.
  • abiskeet
    abiskeet Posts: 36 Member
    I've lost weight previously without counting calories but have to say I'm finding it much easier so far.... but then it's only been 2 weeks.
    Everyone is different
  • GottaBurnEmAll
    GottaBurnEmAll Posts: 7,722 Member
    Some people have great success without counting calories, and just following hunger cues and using weigh ins. Whatever works for you.
  • mazdauk
    mazdauk Posts: 1,380 Member
    I log before I eat anything so I know what - if anything - I have to play with. If I have a heavy day/weekend ahead (eating out, party or something) I do more exercise n the week and save the calories for that. I lost 3 stone initially, put a little back because my face looked old. (I could stand losing 3 lb but I've kept most of it off. for 3 years now). If I don't count I eat too much. Sometimes I still eat too much, but at least I know I have and can do better the next day!
  • goodasgoldilox165
    goodasgoldilox165 Posts: 333 Member
    I am not counting calories - and share your reasons for this.

    For me what works best has been to adopt a style of eating/behaviour and thinking that I plan to keep up after I'm the right weight and forever. I am trying to live and think like a slim person.

    So - I am being aware of appitite (and other reasons for eating), being positive about eating healthily -and being particularly careful about sweet/higher carb things. (Overdoing all kinds of sugar has been a problem for me in the past. I find sweet things compelling but in the end unsatisfying. ) I am also being careful with fat/oil but am not using low fat versions of basics as these tend to have added sugars and also seem to leave me unsatisfied in ways that in the past would lead to binge eating.

    Like you- I'm trying not to make 'not eating' the focus of my day. So far this has worked. In the past I have counted calories - so I suppose that I do have a good idea of where they lurk in surprising numbers. Perhaps I will have to count for a while - when I get close to goal... but I hope not.

    All the best with your efforts!
  • sarahkw04
    sarahkw04 Posts: 87 Member
    I've weened myself away from counting calories. I count macros. I KNOW - people say "you're still counting calories.." I get that because ultimately, I am. But not paying attention to calories in vs out and instead worrying whether I got enough protein that day has been a game changer.

    Do what works for you - if that's not calorie counting, it's not calorie counting.
  • jessicarobinson00
    jessicarobinson00 Posts: 414 Member
    I calorie count because it's easy to forget about those tiny little things..that can over a day add up and put me in the red. But if calorie counting has simply taught you the awareness to be successful, which I think is the largest tool I have gained from being here: Great! DO what works for you. I have a lot of friends on here who do not log: simply being surrounded by motivational, inspiring, health conscious individuals here: THAT is worth coming back to.
  • iofred
    iofred Posts: 488 Member
    I counted when I started the process, however, struggled to chomp through the calories, and if I had to believe MFP I should be featherlight by now ... I got to my maintenance weight last year, and stopped counting, because as mentioned, you do get some experience during the journey to maintenance. I step on the scales once every 3 months, and am sticking to "my" weight perfectly
  • Lounmoun
    Lounmoun Posts: 8,426 Member
    I really don't think counting calories is for me. I rarely end up within my recommended calorie intake BC when I try this calorie counting business, I tend to eat more calories than if I hadn't counted lol. It causes me to think about food more and until I can gain a healthy relationship with food, it's just not gonna work for me. Any insight? Anybody else struggle with this?

    It isn't required for losing weight that you count calories. It is required that you consume less calories or burn more calories.
    The food diary is a useful tool to learn what portion sizes fit your goal. It can take time to adjust to using it. Ultimately it isn't for everyone.

    I resisted counting calories for 15 years. I lost and gained, lost and gained and got to being obese not counting calories . I've had the best most consistant loss just counting calories. I prelog my food for the day every morning. Seeing the numbers is helpful to me. I eat food I like. I love food. I love to cook. Of course I think about food. I don't feel bad about food though.
    My dh lost 30 lbs and has maintained not counting calories at all. I can't do that.
  • hope516
    hope516 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Although I can agree with you that calorie counting made me become obsessed with food, on a different level from the one that made me fat in the first place, I literally could not do this without counting calories.

    About 12 years ago I was crying about how fat I was and not knowing anything about calorie counting or about CICO, not knowing what to eat, how much to eat, or ANYTHING about nutrition and I was like I just wish there was some sort of alarm that went off and said you can't eat anymore you have eaten enough today! No joke a week later I saw an ad for some other website similar to MFP (but charged money) and I was hooked.

    I think it is important that you figure out what works for you and if calorie counting is not it, then that is ok. However, there is no denying that if you eat more calories then you need you are going to gain weight. I think that if it were really true that you eat less when not counting calories than you probably wouldn't be overweight in the first place. I think that sounds harsh, and it is not my intention, but it is true.

    Nonetheless find what works for you and do it. Lots of people lose weight everyday without counting cals, but I think this site proves that counting cals works for lots and lots of people too.

  • lwr731
    lwr731 Posts: 33 Member
    I lost a lot of weight a few years ago when I counted calories, but at some point I thought I could manage intuitive eating. Clearly, I could not, for I gained nearly all the weight I'd lost. There were some emotional events during that time, I ate my feelings, and my exercise was less effective. I resumed counting calories this summer (on another site) & have lost >20 pounds. The fact that I am not working right now makes it easier, I think: I can be diligent about logging. Sometimes I give myself a day off, but I know that I cannot rely on instinct to manage my diet. Logging holds me accountable, and I am more aware of the nutritional values of the foods I eat. I expect that I will always have to be mindful of what I consume if I want to keep the weight off.
  • peaceout_aly
    peaceout_aly Posts: 2,018 Member
    I really don't think counting calories is for me. I rarely end up within my recommended calorie intake BC when I try this calorie counting business, I tend to eat more calories than if I hadn't counted lol. It causes me to think about food more and until I can gain a healthy relationship with food, it's just not gonna work for me. Any insight? Anybody else struggle with this?

    try pre-logging! i do this daily and it's a lifesaver.