New today!!

Hi, just starting the BSD 800 calories a day diet. Have glucose intolerance and don't want it to go over into prediabetes so must do something about the weight that seems to be piling on!
Was on the 5:2 diet up to April when hubby retired. Since then routine gone out the window and about a stone appeared from nowhere! Need to drop 30 pounds so not too much really. Just wanted to say hello and would appreciate any help on here. Any one been on the BSD?☺


  • jannypoos
    jannypoos Posts: 5 Member
    What's the BSD diet?
  • Brelynn
    Brelynn Posts: 105 Member
    : flowerforyou
  • piccoellen
    piccoellen Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I just joined this program yesterday, I too need to drop 25 lbs, I am fairly active however the weight still seems to catch up if I slip at all. I look forward to hearing about your success, Welcome
  • AmberSpamber
    AmberSpamber Posts: 391 Member
    Welcome!!!! I will not be the first to telly you that anything that tells you it is okay to eat below 1200 calories is a fad diet and is not taking your overall health into consideration. Please don't starve yourself. Do this the healthy way and make sure you are getting enough calories.
  • educ8edlady53
    educ8edlady53 Posts: 3 Member
    Amber is right about not getting enough calories. My goal is to eat and exercise to the calories of the weight that I want, so the excess weight should naturally come off. In my case, my daily goal is 1650 calories for a target weight of 165 lbs. 1650 calories are quite ample, but is also less than I have been achieving. I just have to start making different choices, especially for snacks. If you are wondering why I consider 165 lbs a target weight, that is because it is 100 lbs less than I weigh now, and in the past I have felt very comfortable at that weight. If I achieve it, I may try to go a little lower, but at some point I start to look gaunt. As Zha Zha Gabor once said: "A woman reaches a point in life when she has to decide between her face and her fanny."
  • wanzik
    wanzik Posts: 326 Member
    edited November 2016
    Welcome!!!! I will not be the first to telly you that anything that tells you it is okay to eat below 1200 calories is a fad diet and is not taking your overall health into consideration. Please don't starve yourself. Do this the healthy way and make sure you are getting enough calories.

    Actually, it looks like you are the first! :wink:

    I've done tons of diets and lost hundreds of pounds. That's because I dieted and did many different programs. I've always gained it back. Those programs/diets not lifestyle changes. The beauty of this site is I can log my activity and my food and get a picture of whats going on with me. I can make adjustments and eat the things I want to eat and still lose weight (fat). It's been a real eye opener. I'm not dieting, I'm changing my lifestyle. So I am losing very slowly but steadily. And I'm happy with the food I'm eating - I don't feel deprived or going without. I think it's the right way and I'm confident I'll keep it all off this time.

    I'm all for whatever works. I guess if you really want to do this you will and I wish you the best of luck and success. My advice would be to have a plan in place for when you get to where you want to be so you don't gain it all back right away. You need a long-term plan because the extreme calorie-limiting diet is only temporary.