Sensible Goals and How I Achieve Them

My goal is to eat and exercise to the calories of the weight that I want, so the excess weight should naturally come off. In my case, my daily goal is 1650 calories for a target weight of 165 lbs. 1650 calories are quite ample, but is also less than I have been achieving. I just have to start making different choices, especially for snacks. If you are wondering why I consider 165 lbs a target weight, that is because it is 100 lbs less than I weigh now, and in the past I have felt very comfortable at that weight. If I achieve it, I may try to go a little lower, but at some point I start to look gaunt. As Zha Zha Gabor once said: "A woman reaches a point in life when she has to decide between her face and her fanny."


  • wkb0210
    wkb0210 Posts: 6 Member
    LOL, I love what you wrote! I am in a different situation from you, but I think it's great that you're setting realistic goals -- and in that way we are similar. I have always put ALL MY WEIGHT around my middle, which people always so "oh you're so lucky, you can hide it" -- but I get tired of not having a waist and, more importantly, weight around one's middle is terrible for women in terms of health. It also makes it very difficult to fit clothes. (I have to wear pants that fit in my legs but are so tight at my waist that they're giving me heartburn, or I have to wear pants that fit my waist but are saggy on my butt and legs.) I've wanted to lose about 30 pounds FOREVER. This time, I'm going to take whatever time I need and do it slowly -- and not get angry with myself due to situations I can't control -- because whenever that happens, I give up. For example, right now we are dealing with a lot of stuff and renovations in the home we're living in and repairs on a home we're selling-- and so we end up eating out for periods of time, which makes it so much more difficult. But it's okay. I've told myself, my only goal is to have the trend be downward, no matter how long it takes. For example, I have lost only 5 pounds in a little over 4 weeks. I'm okay with that. Maybe some of what I've said will help you too. Good luck!
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    I am a bit confused by your post. Are you eating the correct calories for you to lose weight or are you eating the calories you think you'll need at 165lbs?

    At 265lbs I would imagine you should be eating a fair amount more.
  • RoxieDawn
    RoxieDawn Posts: 15,488 Member
    I saw this post a few days ago and was quite confused myself.. I found a thread in MFP in which many senior MFPers touched on why and why not the method works..

    OP you might be insterested in the link..
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
    I like the "eat for your weight goal" method. How did you calculate 1650 as being maintenance at 165?