Advice needed to refocus

Last year 2015 I lost about 45lbs. I went from 190lbs to my lowest weight of 143lbs, I'm 5' 2". As 2016 began I went through some 'stuff' and my weight began to increase steadily. My weight climbed to 173lbs. At present I weigh about 168lbs. I have made efforts to get as motivated & focused as I was last year and I still can't seem to get back my groove. I still workout not as aggressively though. My diet is terrible. I know what to do but I can't seem to do it. How should I approach this? Can anyone help please?


  • lillypadstudio
    lillypadstudio Posts: 31 Member
    Make a goal for yourself, give yourself a reasonable timeline and treat yourself to a day spa/ shopping spree/ trip when that date has arrived.
    I did this for myself. Going with my friend in March to Atlantis Day Spa in Reno. We have something exciting to look forward to. Best wishes for you!
  • Ahsim24
    Ahsim24 Posts: 11 Member
    Thanks for the advice Lilly! :)
  • jankig
    jankig Posts: 5 Member
    I've always have had issues with my weight, up and down my whole life. I lost a bunch of weight earlier this year on a weight loss challenge through my gym. It was a very restrictive diet with 5 protein choices, 5 veggie choices, and 4 Carb choices. No fat, no dairy no fruits. For 6 weeks. I lost the weight quick but felt so deprived and depressed, that when the challenge ended, I ate everything in sight. No inhibitions. I was rebelling in a way, against the strict diet. I've always had an all or nothing attitude towards food. Either I'm on a strict diet or I'm eating everything my heart desires, with no discipline. I've forgotten what normal eating is. Needless to say I gained the weight back. This time around, instead of being really strict with the diet and restricting major calories, I'm trying to eat "normal". Eat when I'm hungry, make healthier choices and log my food. Once I feel I have a handle on "normal" eating, I'll pay more attention to the calories and make sure between healthy eating and exercise, I create a calorie deficit to start losing weight. But my first task is eating "normal". Maybe that'll help you since you say your diet is terrible.
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    edited October 2016
    I had a terrible weekend of eating badly (well, from Friday to Monday, if we're being honest) so today I went through the kitchen and put encouraging notes to myself near the chocolates, on my son's Pop Tarts and personal pizzas, and in the freezer and fridge. Notes like "Will they even taste that good?" "THIS, or first place?" (I am a bikini competitor) "Have some gum instead" and "The girl who WINS will make a smarter choice". Nothing that puts you down, because that won't help if you're having a bad day. Just something that you know will encourage you to do better and put things in perspective, when you find yourself in a moment of weakness.

    It also really helps to have your meals planned out for the day ahead of time, or even better: already cooked and pre-portioned. It's a lot easier to stick to a plan if the food is already there and only a two-minute microwave away.
  • Charis50
    Charis50 Posts: 181 Member
    I have no advice for you, but I do have an observation: At 168, you're still over 20 pounds lighter than when you started. Give yourself credit for not gaining back to 190-plus! You're still better off than when you started in 2015, and you've already proven that you can lose the weight.

    You can do this!
  • zorahgail
    zorahgail Posts: 91 Member
    Pick one thing/change/behavior that you feel good about doing, that seems the easiest to do, and go from there. Rinse and repeat daily.