Trying for a baby, whilst dieting, anyone else?

I just wondered if anyone else on here is trying to concieve? We have been trying for our 2nd for 4 months now with no joy (first time round i got pregnant straight away!) so decided to lose my few extra pounds and improve my diet in hope it will help with baby making! Is there anyone else in a simular boat who would like to be buddies? I also plan to stay on calorie controlled diet when pregnant so i dont put on too much weight in pregnancy (if it ever happens!) Any friends who would like to add me would be great!


  • jandw122912
    jandw122912 Posts: 66 Member
    We are TTC #2 as well, but we have male factor fertility so it may take a while with some medical help... But for now we're trying on our own for a miracle! Im still battling the 10 lb weight gain from 1st...
  • EdieEd
    EdieEd Posts: 17 Member
    hi! We arecurrently trying for baby #3 (since last month) but i've been dieting for about a year. Would love going on this journey with someone :) add me!
  • krissy5686
    krissy5686 Posts: 51 Member
    We are TTC with #2! I'm finally at a much better point than I even was before getting pregnant the first time, and am eager to keep on getting healthier. Feel free to add me!
  • rachelm516
    rachelm516 Posts: 1 Member
    We've been trying for 7 months for our first. My cycle is really messed up after BCP and now my doctor thinks exercising regularly will help.
  • stacbbw
    stacbbw Posts: 7 Member
    Hi! Been trying IVF for 8 months. Dr changed my diet to 40% protein, 25%carbs and the rest fats to make healthier eggs. Egg retrieval scheduled for January. Hoping the diet change will help. Have lost 57lbs on the plan so far.
  • jgnatca
    jgnatca Posts: 14,464 Member
    Past the baby making days. I'm a doting grandma though. Just popping in to encourage you to get on your pregnancy vitamin right away so that your Folic Acid levels remain high. It's a good prevention measure for the baby to come.