New a week or so ago...

A friend of mine connected me to this site and I am so pleased!

I weighed about 140-ish when I was married 3 years ago and sometime last year I weighed in at 185 - YIKES!! I have been buying new clothes almost monthly for a while now. Finally my above-referenced friend got me into walking 9-12 miles a week. We started discussing healthier food alternatives and then she pointed me to this website.


Not sure how the whole process has been going, because I haven't been tracking this whole time. But I know I've definitely lost about 20# down from my very highest weigh in - YAY!!

In the past couple of weeks, I've lost 4 (part of the 20 above). I'm very excited about this!

The awareness of what I'm eating is totally new to me. Keeping track of everything is totally foreign to my typical mindset. I used to sit down with a bag of chips and finish them in a single sitting while watching television. Now, I'm planning meals with my husband and eating more fruits and vegetables.

I'm also learning a lot about exercise and what burns calories and what doesn't . It's almost better to swim for 30 minutes versus walking for 60 minutes.

The best part about this is that I feel really good now. My outlook is more positive. I feel more alert, more ready to engage in life. YAY for health in 2011! I can't wait to see how we move forward the rest of the year!!


  • MeganJo
    MeganJo Posts: 69
    Congratulations on choosing to live healthier! It is an excellent change and you will never regret it. Good luck with everything and if you ever have any questions feel free to ask me!
  • dottieb1974
    You're doing Great Sandee!! Keep up the good work and you will inspire others to do the same!!