5'9" ladies - What is your goal?

I need help/motivation...I've been at this since Jan 2011 and got on MFP in April 2011 and I have not seen much weight loss. I've been told I look leaner, which I take to heart and appreciate. However, I know what I used to weigh and I know what I want to weigh, but nothing seems to be working.
I recently got on a non-dairy diet (per instructions) and I have seen a little more results in the last 3wks so maybe I am just being impatient. I weighed Monday and was uber excited with the number ....finally in the 140's again- but today I got on and it went back up. :sad: Granted it could be a couple things such as water weight. But still....it is very discouraging.

My goal is 140, but I'd be happy with 143-145. A mere 4-9lbs. Should I just throw in the towel and accept 149-150lbs with decent muscle tone? I want to keep going, but I need advice!!! Sorry for the pity party - thanks for attending. :wink:


  • misssonyab04
    misssonyab04 Posts: 12 Member
    I'm 5'8 1/2, shooting for 145! Going to take a while though... Just getting started, no idea what I am doing. :(
  • StacyAS999
    StacyAS999 Posts: 107 Member
    I'm 5'9", and my goal is 145. I haven't seen many results, either. I need to step up the exercise part, I think.
  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    Hey ladies, I just ran across this and figured i'd throw my 2 cents in...
    I am 5'9 1/4" and my goal weight is 145. I am currently 151 (started at 205) and just really need to tone up a bit now. I'm VERY happy with where i'm at!!! I felt good once I was under 160 so just get to where your body is comfortable and you feel good about yourself! :flowerforyou: