Busy mom/RN- Would love new friends! :)

Hi, my name is Jenni! I started trying to lose weight in 2014, I lost 60+ lbs. I just had a baby in March 2016 and have unfortunately gained most of it back and haven't loser much baby weight. I would love to find some friends for support, especially some that have some things in common with me.

I am 24, I am a busy mom of two boys- 5 years and 7 months old. They both keep me busy in different ways... my 5 year old is in school and does karate- my 7 month old has just learned to crawl! I also work full time outside the home as a Labor and Deliveey RN- I do labor/delivery, postpartum and nursery... I love my job! But the life of a nurse is tiring. The last time I lost weight I was in nursing school, so I know I can do this. Just need to stay on track and find some energy/motivation.

Thanks for reading! :)


  • crackpotbaby
    crackpotbaby Posts: 1,297 Member
    Medical/cardiac nurse here. Mother of 2. Add me if you like.
  • Nikki0912anp
    Nikki0912anp Posts: 4 Member
    Hey there! I am also an RN--med/surg for now. I have a 7 year old whos in school and does softball..and a 4 year old...i feel your frustration!
  • daviddaw9948
    daviddaw9948 Posts: 11 Member
    What do you mean 'I started trying to lose weight in 2014. I lost 60+lbs'? Jenni, that is not 'trying' - that is being successful. You can lose weight - you have proved it. You now have to find a way to keep it off. I am a man, so I don't know about weight gain/babies etc., but I know it happens. It will be tough to find time to fit in exercise with your two boys, but when you do and the weight falls, you will have more energy to be with your boys. Best wishes on your journey.