Heeeeeeeeeeeey :)

xshatteredxmindx Posts: 7
edited 6:09PM in Introduce Yourself
My name is Lindsay...AND I've been on and off of dieting. Half the time I don't even try but I still loose. I got out of a 4 year relationship almost 2 years now..and I've gained a ton of weight. My weight fluctuates all the time..its annoying. Since Jan. I lost 24 lbs. A while back I lost 20 lbs on weight watchers pretty fast...but that was before the relationship. I've tried slim fast..but I pretty much starve myself to death...and thats hard including when you have an irregular work schedule. My friend introduced me to this site..it reminds me of weight watchers so much..because of the calculations and what not..and it also gives me my limit. But with this website I can pretty much eat whatever I want..with some limitations. So far...I'm loving this website! I would like to meet others who are struggling to loose weight just like I am. I love meeting new people :)


  • kaitlynnesmommy
    kaitlynnesmommy Posts: 166 Member
    Welcome to the group!!

    I've been on a weight loss roller coaster for almost 10 years now! I've done weight watchers, calorie counting and slim fast. Keep up the great attitude and enjoy the journey!
  • Chairless
    Chairless Posts: 583 Member
    Hello and welcome!
  • Hicksbc
    Hicksbc Posts: 32 Member
    I know the struggle but always know the more you exercise the more your body NEEDs to eat! Dont starve yourself but dont stuff yourself if that makes sense lol I have trouble with myself.... I need a consistant routine to follow and encouragement!! You will get that here!! Good Luck!!
  • MeganJo
    MeganJo Posts: 69
    Welcome! Good luck with everything and if you ever have any questions feel free to ask me, I'd love to help you out!
  • maiituu
    maiituu Posts: 81 Member
    Welcome! Feel free to add me, you can never have too many friends to motivate you (I hope my profile picture doesn't scare people).
  • dfrazier77
    dfrazier77 Posts: 19
    Our goals are not the same (I am trying to improve my diet and gain muscle mass) but the key to reaching our goals is the same: encouragement and consistency. This site helps with both. Feel free to add me to your circle.
  • EmBlazes
    EmBlazes Posts: 374 Member
    Hello and welcome.. I think you will find it great on here :) There is lots of support and a lot of people will have had similar experiences to you.
  • newmetasha
    newmetasha Posts: 22
    Im gettin my baby weight off Hes 14 months this month so It needs to be gone!! good luck I did slimming world Lost 10 pound then got bored so did weight watchers lost half a stone and got bored :\ haha So this is really good because no pressure if i have a meal out or something i just make sure i dont go over 1900 cals which is the maintain for me :) Plus its free even better ha

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • ncgatorfan
    ncgatorfan Posts: 517
    Hi Lindsay! Welcome. I'm a newbee too and already am loving this site. Did the WW program and still frustrated, so I know how you feel! I gained 20 pounds in one month after a stressor on my relationship!! At least we're here, though! GOOD LUCK to you!
  • Qhoney24
    Qhoney24 Posts: 31
    I feel you there, we been riding that paddle boat together lol... But best luck this time, you will do well with the help of the site :)
  • Hi Lindsay - I am with you there like many - I tried weight watchers with my mom, I think I lost about 15 pounds, but that was a long time ago, since then I have also gained a lot of weight. I am part of the biggest loser website - their food log in are ok, but not as user friendly as this website and it is free! Love it! Add me if you like!
  • Camilla00
    Camilla00 Posts: 16
    Hey there. Welcome to the site and good luck with your fitness goals!

    I also have had the problem with weight that fluctuates..very annoying! In the past, it was easy to just wrkout and shed unwanted pounds. Now that 30 is right around the corner, it has become more difficlut.

    I use the mobil app for this site to track my calorie intake.
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