What are the most annoying things about being overweight?



  • spiveaa
    spiveaa Posts: 1,387 Member
  • Skyblueyellow
    Skyblueyellow Posts: 225 Member
    I agree with pretty much everything that has been mentioned.

    The biggest part for me is wanted to feel good in my own skin. I don't actually have a "goal weight". I know how much I need to lose to be at the upper end of the normal range but I figured that I'm just going to take this pound by pound.

    I will tell you what I'm excited for: shopping. I can't wait to have a full range of clothing options available to me. I'm tired of shopping plus-size styles. Ugh. I'm 34. I don't want to dress like my 76 year old grandmother.

    And about the gym: just go for it! I've been plugging away for about 2 months now and honestly no one is even looking at anyone else. When I'm there I'm either listening to something or catching a show on Netflix. The only time I take notice of anyone else is if the walk directly past me or if someone drops a weight or is talking quite loudly and I can hear them over my own show/music. Otherwise everyone is pretty focused on doing their own thing!
  • Mary_Anastasia
    Mary_Anastasia Posts: 267 Member
    edited November 2016
    I have been overweight my entire life, and not been below 200lbs since I was 13. I've lost some weight recently, and some of these things are no longer a problem, but it's still so close- they still haunt me. My most annoying things....

    The lines around my mouth from my heavy cheeks dragging downward....
    Not fitting in my favorite rides at theme parks....
    My arms folding over at the elbows....
    Seeing fat on my legs seem to move of it's own accord....
    Chair arms punching my kidneys every time I tried to sit down in a small chair....
    Feeling like a beached whale whenever I lay down....and it being so hard to get up...
    No attention from men (I've been in one serious relationship in my whole life, PLUS I'm saving myself for marriage)
    My serious boyfriend didn't love me only because I was overweight (so he says)
    The look on his face and sound he made when I got in his kayak and it sunk to water level :( made me never want to get in a boat again....
  • LeWahnderful
    LeWahnderful Posts: 64 Member
    1. Chub rub which makes my inner thighs dark
    2. Shaving ! Especially the kitty, it's a WORKOUT! I have to take 2-3 days to get it the way I like it.
    3. Taking pictures
    4. Having to overthink every single meal
  • BuffMom84
    BuffMom84 Posts: 180 Member
    I forgot to mention excessive sweating.
  • jemmadock123
    jemmadock123 Posts: 13 Member
    1. Not finding anything at all that looks good for a night out!
    2. Feeling depressed about my body as I went from being a healthy weight to an unhealthy weight so quickly.
    3. Not being able to really enjoy myself as I am constantly uncomfortable in my own body.
    4. Not letting my husband look at me naked anymore cause I know my body has changed so much since we started going out.
    5. being to nervous to go to the gym in case of judgement.

    There are so many reasons, I just want to feel comfortable again. Hopefully my fitness pal will help me get to where I want to be!! :)
  • JeromeBarry1
    JeromeBarry1 Posts: 10,181 Member
    The only really annoying thing about obesity, for me, was that it kept me from being able to ride the Texas Giant at Six Flags.
  • supermanda28
    supermanda28 Posts: 10 Member
    A few things come to mind.

    - sweating/winded..like ALOT specially while doing low task activities
    - extreamly hard to find the perfect pair of jeans & they have to be long
    - I haven't seen my lady bits without a mirror in ages. Embarrassing 101
    - Getting off a couch/floor or low chair, forget about it. (Calls for help)
    - When you fall, you fall hard. Don't you dare freaking trip, big people & the ground are not friends..
    - My knees constantly ache
    - Belly freaking flab UGH
    - Chicken cutlet arm flab, if I flap real hard I bet I can get some air time

    I'm slowly loosing weight so my issues are slowly resolving themselves. Started at 268 now 246
  • spngnetwork
    spngnetwork Posts: 41 Member
    Here's a few for me:

    - Having to offset my weight with 2-3 other people on the opposite side of carnival rides.
    - Walking on wood floors and hearing them creek
    - Bike tires looking like they are constantly flat while riding
    - Looking in the fridge and shouting 'who ate all the...' - then realizing it was me.
    - Having a closet full of nice clothes I can't fit
    - Public bathroom stalls seem to shrink when I step into them.
    - My shoes fan out at the bottom, and shoe tread wears out quickly under the pressure of my weight
    - Holding your breath while bending over to pick something up, or plug in cables behind the computer, or under the desk.

    My health is getting better, but my goal is to rid myself of these annoyances once and for all!
  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,301 Member
    edited November 2016
    For me,

    - Being looked at as if, I don't know how to eat.
    - Being told you must eat too much.

    How can they know, they are not on my shoulder 24/7. nor do they have Hashi, Chemical intolerance and allergies to contend with.

    Doctors are the worst because they do not check antibodies which cause inflammation. What the heck, I know what I am doing and what else matters.
  • antirelic123456
    antirelic123456 Posts: 5 Member
    - Lower back pain when bending (resorting to the teapot method for picking things up)
    - Getting winded when doing things that require bending over (I really, really, hate this more than anything)
    - Having to use hands to help myself get up from cushioned seats
    - XXL means clothes shopping 100% online
    - Knowing that my size is annoying to sit next to on an airplane means driving (not the persons next to me fault for me spilling into their space).

  • zcb94
    zcb94 Posts: 3,678 Member
    The most annoying part about fatness is the health risk. I started my journey at morbid obesity, (feel like I) almost immediately contracted diabetes and was told, even when I lose the excess weight, to expect to be dead after my 70th birthday. Although I'd like to think that I'm out of morbid obesity and have kicked diabetes in the kitten (you're welcome, MFP), I'm still almost positive that 70 is it for me.
  • nikjerles3415
    nikjerles3415 Posts: 24 Member
    Not wearing any of the cute clothes i bought when i was thinner
    Not keeping up with my kids
    Looking horrible in pics
    Not being able to feel good in the bedroom
    Not going out to nice places
  • ChelseaRideout
    ChelseaRideout Posts: 25 Member
    Muffin top!!
  • aphroditise
    aphroditise Posts: 7 Member
    I also hate the stress of eating. Is it too much calories? Too much fat? Did i eat carbs already? I shouldnt eat that. I should eat that. I cant eat after 6. I want ice cream but i want to lose weight. Can i eat a small piece? But ice creams my favorite. I hate squash but it's a vegetable and they are good. I'm hungry. Dont snack between meals. Etc!!! Every time i try to lose weight i get stressed out and I actually gain weight. An endless cycle.
  • tyshieha
    tyshieha Posts: 76 Member
    the most annoying thing to me is:

    Can't find clothing that fit or the clothes are really ugly
    can't stand for a long period of time without feet hurting
    when I jump my fat keeps bouncing when I stop
    having to think about every little thing I eat because I don't want to many calories or to many carbs etc.
    Not being able to get off my bed without having to roll over
  • 777Gemma888
    777Gemma888 Posts: 9,578 Member
    Found the seat belt annoying.