Fibre supplements to feel full - any thoughts?

TheBottomlessPit Posts: 12 Member
edited September 29 in Food and Nutrition
Hi :-)

This is my first post on these message boards - I've been looking through lots of posts and it's amazing how much knowledge people have!

So, I've been battling with this problem and wondered if anyone could help. I am trying to lose weigh in a sensible way, and really don't like the idea of using supplements. However, I find that I have a HUGE appetite and have been looking at a way to control this for some time.

I went into Holland and Barrets (UK) today, and had a look at their "Fibre Diet"pills "

They are a "natural" source of fibre, and it's recommended that you take two or three between and before meals with lots of water to help fill you up. Now, I'm a Biologist and no matter how hard I think about it, I can't think of why this shouldn't work!

I know that I should be getting fibre naturally in my diet, and I AM! It just doesn't fill me up enough. I figured that taking a fibre supplement would be a fairly natural way to eat more fibre, without the added calories.

SO (sorry for the long post!)... what do you guys think? Has anybody tried this as a way to suppress your appetite?

Just for the record - I don't have any problems with constipation or anything like that, I just want the fibre to fill up my enormous grumbling stomach!

Thanks in advance!


  • haeden
    haeden Posts: 183 Member
    I dont find the fibre supplements make me feel full or anything but i do take them because i am horrible at getting enough fibre and i want to be regular :)
  • lnofcal
    lnofcal Posts: 1
    I have taken fiber supplements in the past, but I prefer sugar free metamusel. It fills me up better and I know I'm getting my fiber. From what I have read, the fiber helps to slow down the digestion process which makes you feel full longer. This has worked for me. It also curbs my hunger which helps.
  • yeah the supplements like that dont do much for me either, meal replacement shake w/ the right stuff in it is what gets me through the first portion of my day w/ feeling satiated.
  • anthony438
    anthony438 Posts: 578 Member
    I had... ummm.... issues with fiber supplements. These days, I just make sure I get my water in - seems to help quite a bit.
  • wonnder1
    wonnder1 Posts: 460
    I agree, I used to be hungry alllll the time. None of the pills or shakes or anything would make me not hungry.

    Once I upped my water, and now get my 8 glasses EVERY DAY. I mostly have to remind myself to eat. I bought a bottle that holds 4 cups, I drink one first thing, and sip the 2nd one the rest of the day. That was the hardest part of weight loss for me (I'm a big recovering Diet Coke addict.)
  • anthony438
    anthony438 Posts: 578 Member
    I agree, I used to be hungry alllll the time. None of the pills or shakes or anything would make me not hungry.

    Once I upped my water, and now get my 8 glasses EVERY DAY. I mostly have to remind myself to eat. I bought a bottle that holds 4 cups, I drink one first thing, and sip the 2nd one the rest of the day. That was the hardest part of weight loss for me (I'm a big recovering Diet Coke addict.)

    That Diet Coke stuff isn't good for you.

    Now, Diet Pepsi on the other hand....

  • VanessaFaith
    VanessaFaith Posts: 171 Member
    I went into GNC and asked the guy if he had any fiber supplement suggestions (I had talked with him before and he had lost 70 pounds)... he suggested some probiotics that he had been taking. So, I bought them... GREAT choice! They're called Ultra 25 Probiotic Complex.
  • TheBottomlessPit
    TheBottomlessPit Posts: 12 Member
    Great advice, thanks everyone! Seems that water is the best way to go - I'll try that first, then think again about the fibre pills if I'm still ravenous!
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