Will I have excess skin?

Now that my weight loss is FINALLY going steadily, I am now starting to worry about excess skin. My plan for the next 73 pounds is to lose it at a rate of 3 pounds per week (on average). I gained this weight in a single year, so it hasn't been in my body for long. I am also 21 years old, so my metabolism is playing nice for now :-P

SO I plan on reaching my goal weight of 130 pounds by next summer BUT reaching 160 pounds by Christmas morning.

As of today I am 232.5

Once I get down to 160 I plan on only losing 1-2 pounds per week.

My skin is very elastic, I drink at least 90 oz of water a day, and take a multivitamin every day.

BESIDES lowering my rate to 1-2 pounds per week, is there anything I can do to decrease my chances of getting excess skin.

ALSO, if you have lost 100+ pounds and nOT gotten excess skin, let me know. I need some hope lol


  • psuLemon
    psuLemon Posts: 38,411 MFP Moderator
    Skin is very elastic in generaly and you might end up losing faster than your skin can rebound but as you workout over time, the skin will rebound and tighten up. I have seen plenty of woman with mutliple child births (including multiples) that have gotten a tight stomach again over time.
  • rwd5046
    rwd5046 Posts: 302
    You have youth on your side and although its not a given you probably will be alright. Keep working at it.
  • byHISstrength
    byHISstrength Posts: 984 Member
    I think it is very important to make sure you do strength training along with cardio to help.
  • misscristie
    misscristie Posts: 643 Member
    I have to agree with strength training - Building up muscle under the skin helps to offset the loss of the fat. Plus you are so young, you should be fine.
  • hvnlysinger
    A person usually has excess skin when they lose too much weight too quickly. If you're losing 1-2 pounds a week, it's considered healthy. Your skin is designed to stretch and recoil when necessary, so if you're steadily losing about 2 pounds a week, you shouldn't have to worry about excess skin.
  • SweetP88
    SweetP88 Posts: 79
    I have TERRIBLE stretch marks and loose skin on my stomach from having two kids (first one was over 10 1/2 lbs at birth). Since I have reached maintenance the skin is starting to tighten up a little over time. I know I will never have the look of a six pack (they probably are there but you just can't see them from the extra skin) but even my husband said this morning that he thinks "the waffle" (as he calls it) is looking way tighter. Maybe with more time it will get even better....bodies are pretty resilient!!
  • coltrane23
    coltrane23 Posts: 30 Member
    I've been dealing with this issue lately, too.

    Best way to deal with it is to build muscle mass--it's a natural fat burner, and it will take the place of the fat you're losing. I switched gears a bit late in my weight loss journey (shifted emphasis from burning fat to building muscle) and I'm older so my skin doesn't snap back like it used to do.

    I wouldn't go back and change the fact that I've lost the weight, obviously, because I needed to lose it and exercise is a lot easier these days. Everything is a lot easier these days. But I might have started focusing on building more lean muscle mass via resistance training sooner, as opposed to continuing to restrict calories and high-intensity cardio in an effort to lose the weight.
  • jkuhn71
    jkuhn71 Posts: 199
    I've got a 'waffle' (as SweetP88's hubby calls it!). From what a few doctors have told me, I will need a tummy tuck if I want to be completely rid of it. Unfortunately, what I've learned is that genetics also plays a role in your skin's elasticity and I apparently don't have good genes. Boo! I've decided I'm going to give myself a year of solid maintenance (continuing with 6 cardio and 3 weight workouts per week) and see how bad it is at the end of the year. Of course by then, my oldest daughter will be in college and I may not be able to afford to do anything about it even if I WANT to!

    I definitely agree with folks talking about weight training and the importance of building muscle to help with bettering your chances of NOT having a lot of excess skin. I wish you good genes and good luck! :smile:
  • clean115
    clean115 Posts: 59
    Lol wish I was worrying about excess skin.
    That sounds like a really good problem to have...........
  • leix
    leix Posts: 176
    Strength training as you go!

    Toning as you go will help.

    I had mega sag on my belly that was after having my kids (im currently 21) i didnt think there was any hope to be honest.
    I started at 240lbs now 161lb ive got slight bit of sag and excess skin but it looks 100 x better than i ever thought it would.
    Ive done strength training from about month 4, i now do weights also.

    Good luck,
  • i_love_vinegar
    i_love_vinegar Posts: 2,092 Member
    Lol wish I was worrying about excess skin.
    That sounds like a really good problem to have...........

    ??? :huh:
  • landorki
    landorki Posts: 93 Member
    Lol wish I was worrying about excess skin.
    That sounds like a really good problem to have...........

    I have lots of skin! in my thighs... my upper arms and my belly. I wear it like a badge! If it tightens it tightens... If it doesn't, it doesn't... I will only get it taken care of if it effects my health. Other then that... it is a reminder of what I once did to myself... and Also How I was strong enough to over come it. It is apart of me and my journey.
  • landorki
    landorki Posts: 93 Member
    Lol wish I was worrying about excess skin.
    That sounds like a really good problem to have...........

    ??? :huh:

    I know what she means... she means she much rather have access skin then FAT. Clogged arteries, breathing problems, aches and joint pain, etc...
  • suzycreamcheese
    suzycreamcheese Posts: 1,766 Member
    still better to have neither, shirley?
  • dreamer4
    dreamer4 Posts: 27
    When I tried weight watches I asked this same question and they said they find that people that drink milk regularly tend to not have excess skin. No idea if that is true or if that works, but anyways that's what they said. I have the same fear! I hate the thought of excess skin and hate the thought of getting excess skin cut off even more. :-P Good luck!