30-Day Challenge (Yes, meant to happen over the holidays!!)



  • midsummer174627
    midsummer174627 Posts: 386 Member
    This thread is so full of imminent failure it is unreal.

    You know, the plan described is not exactly what I'd do, but you know what else? The poster didn't ask for advice or feedback.
  • BeaUtiful_1413
    BeaUtiful_1413 Posts: 200 Member
    My day 2 complete
  • tlflag1620
    tlflag1620 Posts: 1,358 Member
    This thread is so full of imminent failure it is unreal.

    You know, the plan described is not exactly what I'd do, but you know what else? The poster didn't ask for advice or feedback.

    That is true enough. Trouble is, far too many people do these "challenges" (aka crash diets) in the hopes that once they get the weight off, it will (magically) stay off. For those reading/lurking that think this may be a good idea, it needs to be pointed out that anyone can drop a bunch of weight really fast. Keeping it off is the part that takes work. And a big part of that work happens during the weight loss phase - by losing weight in a safe, healthy way (no more than 1-2 lbs per week) you preserve more muscle, learn what reasonable portions look like, learn how to incorporate various foods into your diet, learn what foods or macro split works best for you, and learn to navigate things like birthdays, holidays, vacations, dining out, etc. That way you don't keep losing and regaining the same 60-70 lbs over and over and over, and ending up essentially fatter each time because when you lose weight you lose muscle, and during rapid loss (like 73 lbs in 18 weeks.. yikes) you can lose a LOT of muscle, but when you regain it, it is generally all fat - so you end up back at starting weight, but with a higher BF%.... Imminent failure indeed. I think the people who have pointed out that losing as much weight as fast as possible as a "challenge" is a terrible strategy are doing so, not because they think the op will change her mind, but for the benefit of those who are new here and just starting out.

    It is a terrible idea.
  • Bearbo27
    Bearbo27 Posts: 339 Member
    edited November 2016
    tlflag1620 wrote: »
    This thread is so full of imminent failure it is unreal.

    You know, the plan described is not exactly what I'd do, but you know what else? The poster didn't ask for advice or feedback.

    That is true enough. Trouble is, far too many people do these "challenges" (aka crash diets) in the hopes that once they get the weight off, it will (magically) stay off. For those reading/lurking that think this may be a good idea, it needs to be pointed out that anyone can drop a bunch of weight really fast. Keeping it off is the part that takes work. And a big part of that work happens during the weight loss phase - by losing weight in a safe, healthy way (no more than 1-2 lbs per week) you preserve more muscle, learn what reasonable portions look like, learn how to incorporate various foods into your diet, learn what foods or macro split works best for you, and learn to navigate things like birthdays, holidays, vacations, dining out, etc. That way you don't keep losing and regaining the same 60-70 lbs over and over and over, and ending up essentially fatter each time because when you lose weight you lose muscle, and during rapid loss (like 73 lbs in 18 weeks.. yikes) you can lose a LOT of muscle, but when you regain it, it is generally all fat - so you end up back at starting weight, but with a higher BF%.... Imminent failure indeed. I think the people who have pointed out that losing as much weight as fast as possible as a "challenge" is a terrible strategy are doing so, not because they think the op will change her mind, but for the benefit of those who are new here and just starting out.

    It is a terrible idea.

    This x 100!!!

    OP it sounds like challenge may not be the best long term solution for you if you keep gaining it all back as soon as the challenge is over. If you just log your foods here, set your goal to 1-2 lbs per week, you'll have more long term success. It's not about losing weight the fastest, it's about keeping that weight off the longest.

    OP may not have asked for advice, but the idea she is promoting will only lead to failure for many who partake in such "challenge". 73 lbs in 18 weeks is insane by the way. Like I had to look at that number twice. You most definitely lost a ton of lean muscle during that.
  • midsummer174627
    midsummer174627 Posts: 386 Member
    Day 2 is going pretty well. I'm DEFINITELY eating more veggies this week than last, but I need to buy and prepare more snacks so I'm not stuck eating almonds (in small quantities) which I'm getting a little tired of. But...YAY veggies!
  • midsummer174627
    midsummer174627 Posts: 386 Member
    tlflag1620 wrote: »
    This thread is so full of imminent failure it is unreal.

    You know, the plan described is not exactly what I'd do, but you know what else? The poster didn't ask for advice or feedback.

    That is true enough. Trouble is, far too many people do these "challenges" (aka crash diets) in the hopes that once they get the weight off, it will (magically) stay off. For those reading/lurking that think this may be a good idea, it needs to be pointed out that anyone can drop a bunch of weight really fast. Keeping it off is the part that takes work. And a big part of that work happens during the weight loss phase - by losing weight in a safe, healthy way (no more than 1-2 lbs per week) you preserve more muscle, learn what reasonable portions look like, learn how to incorporate various foods into your diet, learn what foods or macro split works best for you, and learn to navigate things like birthdays, holidays, vacations, dining out, etc. That way you don't keep losing and regaining the same 60-70 lbs over and over and over, and ending up essentially fatter each time because when you lose weight you lose muscle, and during rapid loss (like 73 lbs in 18 weeks.. yikes) you can lose a LOT of muscle, but when you regain it, it is generally all fat - so you end up back at starting weight, but with a higher BF%.... Imminent failure indeed. I think the people who have pointed out that losing as much weight as fast as possible as a "challenge" is a terrible strategy are doing so, not because they think the op will change her mind, but for the benefit of those who are new here and just starting out.

    It is a terrible idea.

    I get it, but I don't think it's my job to educate by tearing down another person's post with words like "full of failure." That kind of thing makes ME not want to be on the message boards at all.
  • tlflag1620
    tlflag1620 Posts: 1,358 Member
    tlflag1620 wrote: »
    This thread is so full of imminent failure it is unreal.

    You know, the plan described is not exactly what I'd do, but you know what else? The poster didn't ask for advice or feedback.

    That is true enough. Trouble is, far too many people do these "challenges" (aka crash diets) in the hopes that once they get the weight off, it will (magically) stay off. For those reading/lurking that think this may be a good idea, it needs to be pointed out that anyone can drop a bunch of weight really fast. Keeping it off is the part that takes work. And a big part of that work happens during the weight loss phase - by losing weight in a safe, healthy way (no more than 1-2 lbs per week) you preserve more muscle, learn what reasonable portions look like, learn how to incorporate various foods into your diet, learn what foods or macro split works best for you, and learn to navigate things like birthdays, holidays, vacations, dining out, etc. That way you don't keep losing and regaining the same 60-70 lbs over and over and over, and ending up essentially fatter each time because when you lose weight you lose muscle, and during rapid loss (like 73 lbs in 18 weeks.. yikes) you can lose a LOT of muscle, but when you regain it, it is generally all fat - so you end up back at starting weight, but with a higher BF%.... Imminent failure indeed. I think the people who have pointed out that losing as much weight as fast as possible as a "challenge" is a terrible strategy are doing so, not because they think the op will change her mind, but for the benefit of those who are new here and just starting out.

    It is a terrible idea.

    I get it, but I don't think it's my job to educate by tearing down another person's post with words like "full of failure." That kind of thing makes ME not want to be on the message boards at all.

    Duly noted. And I can see how that can be off putting (and that's why I tried to explain why I thought it was a poor strategy without the snark). That said, these kinds of posts crop up often enough that some snark is inevitable.

  • BekahsLosing
    BekahsLosing Posts: 332 Member
    Ugh, I could not stop thinking about some milk for my coffee or tea this morning. I noticed on blogs and stuff that coffee is a big deal for a lot of people doing Whole 30 which is weird because I didn't really think of it as being a *big* part of my day... Anyway, I'm going with black tea with no milk and it's working for me.

    Yeah, a friend of mine came up with the 30-day challenge limits I shared with you guys and for some reason she didn't include milk, cream, or butter, in the "can't have" category. I thought that was interesting... It helps me because like I said, cheese is my trigger food and can lead to excessive amounts of it, so making it off limits for 30-days while I work to get off a chunk of weight worked. On the other hand, I feel like I'm treating myself to be able to put a little cream in my coffee or butter on my whole-grain toast (while logging all of those little bits!)

    With her plan I didn't feel like I was completely starving myself of those little joys ;)
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    I started my contest prep on Monday and am down 11.2lbs since then. Do I win something?
  • BekahsLosing
    BekahsLosing Posts: 332 Member
    I started my contest prep on Monday and am down 11.2lbs since then. Do I win something?

    Wow, this is my first shot hosting a community forum and there really are some *kitten* on here! I'm going to continue to ignore...
  • BekahsLosing
    BekahsLosing Posts: 332 Member
    I started my contest prep on Monday and am down 11.2lbs since then. Do I win something?

    Wow, this is my first shot hosting a community forum and there really are some *kitten* on here! I'm going to continue to ignore...

    LOL!!! MFP just changed my swear word to "kittens"!! Love it!!!
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    I started my contest prep on Monday and am down 11.2lbs since then. Do I win something?

    Wow, this is my first shot hosting a community forum and there really are some *kitten* on here! I'm going to continue to ignore...


    but there's also some really good advice, even if you might not want to hear it.
  • BekahsLosing
    BekahsLosing Posts: 332 Member
    Well folks, it's Friday, November 4th -- Welcome to our "30-Day / 10lb Challenge" pre-challenge weigh-in!

    Today is our pre-challenge weigh-in day. Post your starting weight here or on my private profile page (friend request me, I'll accept!) I will track our progress by collecting everyone's starting and ending weights so we can celebrate together!

    My starting weight is 216 pounds.

    For anyone who plans to join, or folks who are doing a similar challenge in solidarity, thank you for joining me! And thanks to any supporters too!
  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    You started a "challenge" on a public forum that is encouraging people to lose weight at a rate faster than recommended. Some people (like the ones that have commented), feel that this is not healthy. You should note that these people are the ones with more insight/knowledge/training/experience than most on these forums.

  • Nads36
    Nads36 Posts: 108 Member
    Hi Bekah...is it today we weigh in? I weigh 263lbs and hope to be 10lbs lighter on the 30 day challenge...making me 253lbs by the end of of the month. Anything else we have to do? Thanks...need to do this...I struggle to keep within my recommended calorie allowance!
  • Intentional_Me
    Intentional_Me Posts: 336 Member
    This will not teach you the tools you need for long term success. I highly recommend eating at a deficit and logging with MFP regularly instead of doing a restrictive challenge with arbitrary rules. Down 70 pounds since April. Getting excited to set myself at 1.5 a week here in 15 pounds!!
  • BekahsLosing
    BekahsLosing Posts: 332 Member
    Nads36 wrote: »
    Hi Bekah...is it today we weigh in? I weigh 263lbs and hope to be 10lbs lighter on the 30 day challenge...making me 253lbs by the end of of the month. Anything else we have to do? Thanks...need to do this...I struggle to keep within my recommended calorie allowance!

    Thanks yes! I left you a post directly on your profile page.

    Regarding future communication, can you please correspond with me by posting messages directly to my profile page? Because MFP is kind of a clunky tool that seems like the easiest way to communicate here.

    Regarding the challenge, I've made note of your starting weight and plan to track our collective progress so we can celebrate together at the end of 30-days...

    Thank you for joining!
  • doittoitgirl
    doittoitgirl Posts: 157 Member
    I started my contest prep on Monday and am down 11.2lbs since then. Do I win something?
    This thread is so full of imminent failure it is unreal.

    I get it, you've obviously been successful on your fitness journey. And you and I both know that crash diets and weight challenges probably aren't the most sustainable ways to lose weight long term. But what do you gain by coming in these forums and being condescending? Does it make you feel better making fun of people's struggles? Unless you have a shining gem of advice for the people here who are making an effort to better themselves, why don't you go take some more gym selfies and leave them alone huh?

  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    I started my contest prep on Monday and am down 11.2lbs since then. Do I win something?
    This thread is so full of imminent failure it is unreal.

    I get it, you've obviously been successful on your fitness journey. And you and I both know that crash diets and weight challenges probably aren't the most sustainable ways to lose weight long term. But what do you gain by coming in these forums and being condescending? Does it make you feel better making fun of people's struggles? Unless you have a shining gem of advice for the people here who are making an effort to better themselves, why don't you go take some more gym selfies and leave them alone huh?
    My advice (and many other peoples) is to not undertake a challenge which is promoting unhealthy weight loss which has been seen on these forums time and time again. If you care to look in any other threads, you will see that I can offer a good insight and offer helpful advice.

    I have not once made fun of people in this thread and your comment in bold is extremely immature and judgmental. My comment was somewhat in jest but was also to serve as a point that it is not hard to drop large amounts of weight quickly but it is not sustainable or is just water weight.

    I have nothing but respect for people who are looking to improve themselves and it would be wise for people with less knowledge to absorb some information. We all start off with no information and knowledge and have to learn. My shining gem of advice is to set up a sustainable calorie deficit, weigh everything you consume and be consistent.
  • midsummer174627
    midsummer174627 Posts: 386 Member
    Okay, I guess we were supposed to have weighed in on Friday: I'm pretty sure I weighed 147, which is two pounds less than on Monday. On one hand I'm trilled but on the other hand, my body fat has (according to my scale) gone up, and this diet is absolutely not sustainable for me. But I'm so close to my goal weight of 145 that I feel like I'll keep doing Whole 30 at least until I get down to that.