Weighted squats?

Hi everyone!

So I am interested in starting to do squats and would like some advice. Should I do squats with or without weight? I was thinking of purchasing either dumbbells or a kettle bell to help add weight to my squats. Which do you prefer is better? I have a gym membership but a little intimidated starting squats and having no idea what I am doing with the bar to add weights so I am a little unsure. But any advice would greatly be appreciated!


  • H_Ock12
    H_Ock12 Posts: 1,152 Member
    Start by ensuring you're using the correct form without weights. Then add the bar. Then start adding weight. As far as the dumbbell/kettlebell, I do squat variations with those or weight plates. If you already have a gym membership, I don't see the need in wasting money on home equipment. Your gym will most likely have a trainer that can help you out with squats, tho!
  • freckles2392
    freckles2392 Posts: 12 Member
    I would love to utilize the gym weights but its very intimidting because alot of men are in the area of the weights and I feel like they will all be looking at me n judge me as a beginner
  • rileyes
    rileyes Posts: 1,406 Member
    edited November 2016

    With a kettlebell you can also do swings, Turkish get-ups, bottoms-up...
    With Dumbbells you can mimic barbell moves...

    Both help with unilateral/frontal work.

    Both can be helpful with accessory work when you barbell train.

    Start squatting with bodyweight. Then you can single-leg (pistol) squat or add goblet squats.
  • sammyliftsandeats
    sammyliftsandeats Posts: 2,421 Member
    I would love to utilize the gym weights but its very intimidting because alot of men are in the area of the weights and I feel like they will all be looking at me n judge me as a beginner

    I understand that it may be scary but you just have to go in there. Watch videos of sample workouts you'd like to do and get familiar with the equipment. The people in there don't really care and most of them are just concentrating on their workouts. Trust me.

    I failed on my squats this morning and my barbell hit the safeties. I looked around and nobody was watching me. It's all good.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    I would love to utilize the gym weights but its very intimidting because alot of men are in the area of the weights and I feel like they will all be looking at me n judge me as a beginner

    They won't be in the squat rack, though. :D

    (Just kidding, guys! Don't go ballistic.)
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    I would love to utilize the gym weights but its very intimidting because alot of men are in the area of the weights and I feel like they will all be looking at me n judge me as a beginner

    I understand that it may be scary but you just have to go in there. Watch videos of sample workouts you'd like to do and get familiar with the equipment. The people in there don't really care and most of them are just concentrating on their workouts. Trust me.

    I failed on my squats this morning and my barbell hit the safeties. I looked around and nobody was watching me. It's all good.

    I've done this a couple times, and the big "scary" guys came to make sure I wasn't hurt. If someone's judging me, I don't know about it. Headphones in, no clue what people are saying or thinking about me.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    I would love to utilize the gym weights but its very intimidting because alot of men are in the area of the weights and I feel like they will all be looking at me n judge me as a beginner

    Everyone's a beginner at one time........ my own experience has been that most people are pretty much absorbed in their own workouts. You could consider getting a trainer for a couple of sessions to help with a program / form etc.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    I would love to utilize the gym weights but its very intimidting because alot of men are in the area of the weights and I feel like they will all be looking at me n judge me as a beginner

    If anyone does that, take comfort in knowing he's a D-bag.
  • pondee629
    pondee629 Posts: 2,469 Member
    I started strong lifts 5x5 at the squat rack squatting with an empty bar. No one seemed to care. Did I get judged as a beginner? If so, not that I noticed. If so, I was.

    Start light, get your form down correctly, stay safe and uninjured. If you don't want to use an empty bar, dumbbells work also.

    Body weight
    Empty Bar
    Bar with weights
    Progress as you feel you can.
    Again, stay safe and uninjured.
  • MelanieCN77
    MelanieCN77 Posts: 4,047 Member
    Definitely start with body weight and work up. Do a couple sets of 12-15 and see how your legs feel tomorrow. Also vary regular, close legged and sumo. When you are ready to work up to weighted you can just use a dumbbell and do a goblet squat, just hold it upright at chest level and off you go. It makes a big difference so don't go too big too fast. (that's what she said)
  • kxbrown27
    kxbrown27 Posts: 769 Member
    Weighted Bulgarian splits. And once you get stronger and improve your balance, do them with a bosu ball.
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    I would love to utilize the gym weights but its very intimidting because alot of men are in the area of the weights and I feel like they will all be looking at me n judge me as a beginner

    They won't be in the squat rack, though. :D

    (Just kidding, guys! Don't go ballistic.)

    Unless they are doing curls ;-)
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    I would love to utilize the gym weights but its very intimidting because alot of men are in the area of the weights and I feel like they will all be looking at me n judge me as a beginner

    They won't be in the squat rack, though. :D

    (Just kidding, guys! Don't go ballistic.)

    Unless they are doing curls ;-)

    You get me. High five!
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    I would love to utilize the gym weights but its very intimidting because alot of men are in the area of the weights and I feel like they will all be looking at me n judge me as a beginner

    The vast majority will not notice you at all. They are concentrating on their own workout. Some will, but only in passing as they would anyone who is there. Even less often some will notice and offer assistance if they think you need it. Very rarely there will be some jerk who is for some strange reason offended at beginners. I personally have never met such a person, but I know they exist. Everyone there was a beginner at one time, and judging someone for trying to improve themselves is just stupid, so the issue is theirs not yours.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    I would love to utilize the gym weights but its very intimidting because alot of men are in the area of the weights and I feel like they will all be looking at me n judge me as a beginner

    they really don't. you might get some people thinking they can patronize you or use your inexperience to show off and swing their own dicks a little, but long-term serious judging is really not the thing that i used to think it was.

    you'll probably also find that you're not the only noob, if you actually go. and some of the noobs are men too. i honestly think you learn a lot just by being around a wide range of other lifters and sampling from their experience.

    but if it helps you to practice at home first, then that's fine. i agree with the progressions suggested, and personally i'd buy kettlebells over dumbbells, but i actually wouldn't even do that right away. i'd drink a gallon of milk and then fill the jug up with sand or something :tongue:
  • rileysowner
    rileysowner Posts: 8,313 Member
    I just realized I didn't answer the question. As to what to do, it really depends. Bodyweight squats did a lot to help me work on my form, and they can be really good for that. I still do them as part of my warm-up to get into the groove for when I do it with weight. I would not buy a dumbbell or kettlebell unless you are looking to use it for other things. Legs adapt to weights really quickly, and you will very quickly find what was challenging at first no longer is. The suggestion about using a milk jug (or any other container you can hold easily) filled with sand is a good one as a progression to weighted squats. Having said that, if you are able to squat with weight already, you may benefit more from using your gym.
  • Chieflrg
    Chieflrg Posts: 9,097 Member
    I would love to utilize the gym weights but its very intimidting because alot of men are in the area of the weights and I feel like they will all be looking at me n judge me as a beginner

    We don't care who is doing what in there as long as some gym etiquette is used.

    Everybody is learning on some level. I would definitely have a trainer help you out if you are unsure.