Losing Weight, its SO worth it!

Boooie Posts: 110
edited September 29 in Health and Weight Loss
I just wanted to share with you all that even tho some days it seems to much hard work to make healthier choices or to get up and work out and feels like that this journey of losing weight and becoming healthy is a never ending long journey its Worth It :)
Since i started losing weight ive now lost just over 10 stone, i lost 9 stone put over 6 back on due to being inactive from a back problem and now ive lost all i gained since september and now im no longer on blood pressure pills, no longer on pills for under active thyroid and now im no longer diabetic :)
So never give up even if you have a bad day and fall off the getting healthy wagon, climb back on it and cling on and finish that journey and be proud that you achieved giving yourself a happier healthier life. You can do it :) x


  • Jeterfan2
    Jeterfan2 Posts: 15
    Great Job!! I always tell myself when i can walk into a mall and buy anything i wish for myself and have it fit, this hard work will all be worth it.. Enjoying life with my girls and family is the greatest!! Great job again and thanks for the encouraging words!!
  • kookykel
    kookykel Posts: 15
    thanks for the positivity! :O)
  • Kitiara47
    Kitiara47 Posts: 235
    Reading posts like this is what helps me when I'm feeling stressed and down over my weight loss. I'm still trying to get into the right mindset and lifestyle even though it's been 3 months since I joined. Just gotta keep moving along! :smile:
  • tramaine81
    tramaine81 Posts: 113 Member
    I like that. Losing weight is not about being skinny or always seeing the numbers go down. It is about being a winner and choosing to be healthy no matter what . It is like deciding to still play your best in a game even though you know you are going to lose. I remember watching ice skating and seeing an ice skater fall down. They don't get up and walk off the ice. They get back up and skate, even though they know they might have cost themselves the medal. And we applaud them. That is because at the end of the day we know that this is more than a medal. It is about life, a decision, our character, and the person we want to remember ourselves as no matter if we crossed the finish line or not.
  • Boooie
    Boooie Posts: 110
    That's one of the hardest bits getting back up after a fall, and just by getting back up and carrying on you have made an achievement :)
  • Boooie
    Boooie Posts: 110
    Reading posts like this is what helps me when I'm feeling stressed and down over my weight loss. I'm still trying to get into the right mindset and lifestyle even though it's been 3 months since I joined. Just gotta keep moving along! :smile:

    yes but looking at your ticker you have lost 8lbs in that time, thats 8lbs better than it was for you 3 months ago, there's no time limit on this journey, keep on going and you will get there :) Well done x
  • 105015
    105015 Posts: 2
  • Being Boooie's friend for a few years, I have seen her struggle and unhappiness with her bad health, knowing that she can do it, is healthier and fitter and happier is really an inspiration for me. Even though we now dont live just round the corner, having done exercise in the past with her, it means when I exercise now I hear her voice encouraging me in my head, so days like yesterday when I was finding it hard, i could hear her telling me not to give up. And she is still doing it on here, and seeing that she has got where she wanted means I wont give up until I do too.
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