OT- Cell phone upgrade Verizon:

Do I go for another Droid (I have the original one currently) Go for I-phone 4, Thunderbolt or wait until winter to see what comes out....


  • Angela4Health
    Angela4Health Posts: 1,319 Member
    My man just got the Droid Charge it's effin AWESOME!

    Personally, I don't like the Iphones and wouldn't go for em.
  • anthony438
    anthony438 Posts: 578 Member
    If you're thinking about the iPhone you might want to wait a bit. IIRC the rumor mill says that the 5 will be announced in the not too distant future.
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    I wouldn't ever go with the Thunderbolt.. too many bad experiences with HTC. There's SUPPOSABLY a superawesome phone coming out in late summer or somewhere around that time called the Bionic, which is what I'm waiting for. My 1st gen Droid is on its last legs tho.. D:

    And I just hate Apple.
  • SeasideOasis
    SeasideOasis Posts: 1,057 Member
    I've never been cold on the iPhone (and never will). I have used both and prefer my Droid HANDS DOWN. You aren't dealing with a proprietary software with the Android, which is why I prefer it. With Apple, I feel like I'm being forced into a cattle hold cell.
  • kristy_estes21
    kristy_estes21 Posts: 434 Member
    I had an iPhone 3G a couple years ago and got the 4 last year and love it. It's more than a phone...it's a friend. ;-)
    I don't know how it is with Verizon though. There are some things that are different. As Anthony suggested though, you may want to wait as the 5 is supposed to release later this year.
  • georgiag111
    georgiag111 Posts: 424
    My droid is on last legs too I have to "reboot" it all the time it freezes etc so keep debating what to do
  • Kalrez
    Kalrez Posts: 655 Member
    Wait on the iPhone ... #5 is coming.

    Skip the HTC. I've got one. it's terrible. Runs slowly. Does crazy things like turn itself off. I don't have anything on it ... no music, no pictures, no nothing. But it gets bogged down and freezes all the time. Heaven forbid someone send me more than one text at a time or the thing just rolls over and starts having seizures >.<

    I'd go with another Droid. My contract renews around Christmas, so I plan to get a Droid then. Seem like solid phones.
  • Beebs33
    Beebs33 Posts: 262
    The MFP app is better for the iPhone but other than that I love my Samsung Fascinate (Droid). I only know about the app because I have an iPad and it uses the same MFP app as the iPhone.
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    Watched a lady pull her mobile phone out of her purse the other day and realize that a bottle of hand sanitizer spray had leaked in her purse and into the phone. A bunch of us said "turn it off, take out the battery and when you get home, put it in a bag of rice overnight" before she told us it was an iPhone. You can't open an iPhone to take the battery out without voiding the warranty. She was going to need to take it to the Apple store the next day. Ridiculous!
  • SeasideOasis
    SeasideOasis Posts: 1,057 Member
    Watched a lady pull her mobile phone out of her purse the other day and realize that a bottle of hand sanitizer spray had leaked in her purse and into the phone. A bunch of us said "turn it off, take out the battery and when you get home, put it in a bag of rice overnight" before she told us it was an iPhone. You can't open an iPhone to take the battery out without voiding the warranty. She was going to need to take it to the Apple store the next day. Ridiculous!

    Case and Point!!
  • Aireyma
    Aireyma Posts: 55
    i think the iphones are cool..but wouldnt get one. they charge for all the fun apps... angry birds, words w friends... stuff like that. I think the Android network is awesome!!
  • georgiag111
    georgiag111 Posts: 424
    Is droid coming out with another new one this year or should I just do the upgrade?
  • TromaRon
    TromaRon Posts: 228 Member
    I'm in the same boat as you. I'm waiting a bit to see what the new Motorola Bionic will be like. Should be out soon.
  • binary_jester
    binary_jester Posts: 3,311 Member
    Is droid coming out with another new one this year or should I just do the upgrade?
    The Bionic looks promising. You have dual core processors out now and quad core processors being released later this year.
    You say you need to reboot constantly? Have you tried SBF'ing (essentially reloading the software to the point of having to re-activate it again). The process is not all that hard.
    I'd stay away from the Thunderbolt. I hear it is plagued with reboots and shut downs. Personally I love my Droid X.

    ...and I can't stand the iPhone.
  • spampeg
    spampeg Posts: 24 Member
    Android is definitely the way to go. Avoid iDevices like the plague.

    For Verizon, I'd *highly* recommend the Motorola Bionic. It sounds odd, but pretty much all of the Motorola Android phones are rock solid. Just upgraded from a Moto Droid (original) to the Thunderbolt. Eh, the battery life isn't totally great (10-ish hours), and the reboots have been fixed, but it's several times better than the Droid. anyway, the Bionic should be out next month.

    If you absolutely must have an iPhone, don't get the iPhone4... wait until the holiday season and get an iPhone5. No reason to buy an obsolete device for something that you'll have for the next two years.
  • georgiag111
    georgiag111 Posts: 424
    THANKS everyone I do love my droid so I am glad for ALL the opinions!