Clean eating, exercise and mindfullness

Wanting someone to endlessly talk about food, gym workouts, and meditation/ mindfulness. I'm relatively new to all this, I welcome anyone who wants to talk. Never really met anyone who shared these interests with me so never had a buddy to be motivated with, but I hope to find one now!


  • eliza2420
    eliza2420 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi, same here, I love talking about food and exercise and I try to meditate regularly. I have added you as a friend if that's okay :)
  • bgilmore427
    bgilmore427 Posts: 5 Member
    Endlessly talk about nutrition and workouts.....check
    Mindfullness and a lesser degree but still....check.
    Friend request sent.
  • Dynette789
    Dynette789 Posts: 4 Member
    Hello! Made a promise to myself to lose 20 lbs. and eat cleaner and healthy! All motivation is welcome!☺️