5'4 & 150lbs-120lbs.. anyone with similar goals?

Hey guys!
I've been on this journey of losing weight for a while now (about 7 months) but have only lost 5lbs. This was just by working out regularly while my diet was still horrible. I did a lot of lifting so I think I have a pretty decent muscle base now but I'm trying to really up my game and reach my goals by eating right and counting calories.
A little about me.. I'm 18 years old, 5'4, 151lbs and looking to get to about 120lbs. I have a small frame so the extra weight really shows on me and I'm desperate to get it off.
Currently I'm focusing on eating clean which is really difficult for me because I have a sweet tooth and I love all food that's bad! Haha it sucks and I'm working on it. Just thinking about what it'll be like to be at my goal weight.


  • Ant488
    Ant488 Posts: 372 Member
    Goal is 175. Feel free to add me.
  • MiniMansell1964
    MiniMansell1964 Posts: 188 Member
    5 foot 4 here,
    My 2016 i was 176lbs
    today 142lbs

    I am now at the fittest i have been since my teens, and the same weight/clothing size that i was at 21. I am a broad shouldered muscular man so am actually now trying to work out my maintenance intake requirements.
    i quite fancy dropping to 139lbs but as i am fit/healthy and in the healthy bmi range the loss of 3 more lbs would not make any difference at all other than to hit a pre conceived goal

  • angmarie28
    angmarie28 Posts: 2,817 Member
    im 5'7" currently 172, goal is to be 140-145, feel free to add me, i could use all the support i can get
  • crackpotbaby
    crackpotbaby Posts: 1,297 Member
    Clean eating. 5'3''. Currently 60.1 kg which is about 133 lb.

    Aiming for 56kg which is about 124 lb.

    I have an open diary. Feel free to add me,
  • afontanos
    afontanos Posts: 3 Member
    edited November 2016
    Im 5'2 and my heaviest weight was earlier this year, July weighing around 152. My current weight is 134 and my GW is 125. I just started using MFP again this October and try to be religious about logging my meals. One thing I've done differently this time around and am having great success is doing hiit workouts with fitness blender on YouTube - they have a great variety of workouts no matter what level you're starting at. Feel free to add me :) my diary is public and i do weigh my portions.
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    That's basically where I started almost 3 years ago! My original goal was 125? I set my calorie goal at 1350 for starters and worked out up to 3xdaily(10-45 min at a time). I got to 128, had a checkup where the doctor told me to stop trying to lose because I was at a healthy weight. Came down with a stomach bug immediately after and lost another 3lbs that week! I got down to 110 before my husband put me on exercise restriction and I went back to the doctor. Weight loss can become addicting, so just be careful. MFP really helped me to understand how much and what I was eating. I've basically been in maintenance for almost 2 years. I don't really eat "clean". I eat junk food almost everyday, but I mostly eat salad or veggies/fruit at lunch to make sure I get in my 5 a day.

    Good luck!
  • princessalmz
    princessalmz Posts: 8 Member
    That's basically where I started almost 3 years ago! My original goal was 125? I set my calorie goal at 1350 for starters and worked out up to 3xdaily(10-45 min at a time). I got to 128, had a checkup where the doctor told me to stop trying to lose because I was at a healthy weight. Came down with a stomach bug immediately after and lost another 3lbs that week! I got down to 110 before my husband put me on exercise restriction and I went back to the doctor. Weight loss can become addicting, so just be careful. MFP really helped me to understand how much and what I was eating. I've basically been in maintenance for almost 2 years. I don't really eat "clean". I eat junk food almost everyday, but I mostly eat salad or veggies/fruit at lunch to make sure I get in my 5 a day.

    Good luck!

    I can see how weight loss can be addicting. A couple years ago I was SOOO obsessed with counting calories. Now I think I have a healthier mindset!
    How long did it take u to get down to 125?

    One thing that scares me about weight loss is that I don't want to lose my curves. Just shrink proportionally. Did u have that problem when u lost the weight?

    Also thanks everyone :) added you all!
  • DancingMoosie
    DancingMoosie Posts: 8,619 Member
    Idk..I lost the most off my chest first..but you can look at pictures I have in my home page. My measurements changed from:
    Chest 38-39 to 32
    Waist 30ish? To 25
    Hips 39-40 to 35
    It depends on your natural shape and if you end up with a higher level of bf or become very lean and muscular. I don't consider myself to be curvy, I look athletic and lean.

    I went from 148 in Feb(when I joined) to 125 by May. By the time school started in August, I was 116 and lost 2 lbs each of the first two weeks back.
  • healthynFitforLife
    healthynFitforLife Posts: 24 Member
    edited November 2016
    5'5'' and aiming for 120 lbs and < 20% BF. Currently 151 lbs. Please feel free to add.
  • healthynFitforLife
    5'5'', 151 lbs and aiming for 120 lbs w/ < 20% BF. Please feel free to add.
  • hzl22
    hzl22 Posts: 157 Member
    5'5 162lbs aiming for 135lbs add me
  • bbell1985
    bbell1985 Posts: 4,572 Member
    I'm 5'4". I have been as high as 180, 128 was my lowest. I bulked up to 142 and never cut well. I'm currently 144 (as in my profile pic). I'd love to be 130-135. 120 is not realistic for me. I looked a bit too thin at 128.
  • NieshaLove8004
    NieshaLove8004 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm in the same boat as you. I'm currently 170 and 5'2, trying to get down to a 130-120lbs range. Sweets are my addiction too and I love eating out and food as well. But I'm trying to turn my life around for my health and my clothes. Hopefully we can help each other with our goals
  • AnthonyX150X
    AnthonyX150X Posts: 293 Member
    I'm 5'8" and my goal weight is 115 lbs. This weight should be fine because I have a small frame.
  • 33bbcc33
    33bbcc33 Posts: 59 Member
    edited November 2016
    I'm 5'5" 135.4 haha, and trying to get down to 120. Been having a bit of trouble with eating too much, now that I have more stamina to work out more. But it's still sloooowly coming off. Add me if you like.
  • courtneyfabulous
    courtneyfabulous Posts: 1,863 Member
    5'4" currently 158, medium frame, goal for now is 140.

    Great job on working out & eating healthier!!

    120 seems like a pretty low goal weight though, maybe try first for 135 and see how you feel when you get there.
  • spiritbrat
    spiritbrat Posts: 80 Member
    Currently 145. Gw is 135, maybe less but that's my first goal. I've lost 40 already. Feel free to add me!
  • princessalmz
    princessalmz Posts: 8 Member
    5'4" currently 158, medium frame, goal for now is 140.

    Great job on working out & eating healthier!!

    120 seems like a pretty low goal weight though, maybe try first for 135 and see how you feel when you get there.

    I think I'll do that for sure :) I just have a smaller frame and I've seen charts that show what a healthy weight for each frame size is and 120 is right in the middle.

  • lauradoesmfp
    lauradoesmfp Posts: 3 Member
    Yep! I'm 5'4" and currently 175lbs. 120lbs is my dream weight but I know it might not be realistic for me so initially I'd like to get back to my happy zone of 130-135lbs. I've just started tracking with MFP so feel free to add me everyone :smile:
  • Iansmommy123011
    Iansmommy123011 Posts: 872 Member
    Add me. I am 33 years old. 4"11 and weigh 150lbs. My goal weight is 115. I have been on my journey for 5 years now. I made to my goal weight before but I gained it back and I feel like it's impossible to get back to my goal weight again since now I am in my 30s. I need to loose 25lbs