How did you accomplish this amazing transformation?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. :)


  • Chadxx
    Chadxx Posts: 1,199 Member
    I forgot to add that weight loss is not perfectly linear. Your weight will fluctuate a lot due to water weight. Don't worry when you see the scale go up. It is normal and it doesn't mean you gained any fat. Mine went way up last week and peaked at 246 on Sunday and I am not really sure why but now it has come back down and was 233 this morning. Though not that much, I see swings of several pounds all the time. What matters is the trend over time.
  • Chibike64
    Chibike64 Posts: 65 Member
    I second all that has been said above. Good luck to you as you sail out on this awesome journey of yours.
  • lorrpb
    lorrpb Posts: 11,464 Member
    Eating less
    Moving more
    Small daily steps of progress
    Goals in many areas like scales, measurements, clothing, steps, exercise, recipes, etc.
  • workinonit1956
    workinonit1956 Posts: 1,043 Member
    Thank you to everyone who posted in this thread. You're all amazing:)
  • Pierre_is_a_cat
    Pierre_is_a_cat Posts: 89 Member
    This is such a great thread.

    For me the key was:
    1. Pig-headed stubbornness and patience. Don't give up! Not for anything. Especially just because it's slower that you'd like.
    2. Get a food scale and really weigh everything -- guaranteed you'll be surprised at portion sizes.
    3. Track everything in MFP in advance. I make all my meals for the next week or three on a Sunday and plug them all into MFP in advance so I can see what my calories and macros look like and fix any issues before they happen.

    Good luck @workinonit1956 , you've got this and we're all with you.
  • rachellosesitall85
    rachellosesitall85 Posts: 497 Member
    I agree with others. Discipline and patience for sure. I started walking around my neighborhood, then got a fitbit, then joined a gym and started eating cleaner. Voila!
  • ttmoore70
    ttmoore70 Posts: 6 Member
    Thank you all have given me more motivation and hope! What a wonderful support system, you all are such a blessing, thank yal so much! <3
  • christina1d
    christina1d Posts: 11 Member
    This is such a great thread.
  • Slashnl
    Slashnl Posts: 339 Member
    sadinplaid wrote: »
    Loved reading about everyone's perspectives on successful weight loss. I've lost 42 pounds this year, 122 pounds total in the last 8 years, and I still have about 20 pounds to go, but I think the main thing that clicked this time around is that I just have to keep showing up. I have to keep going to the gym, I have to keep logging my calories, I have to keep sticking to my pre-planned meals, and if I overeat one day, I have to keep working on sticking to my plan. For me, it also helped to keep things fun and new - trying new workout classes - barre, stand-up paddle board yoga, Buti dance yoga - trying a new class and surviving has been so empowering!

    This is so well written! It helps so much to read about persistence, to keep going even if it takes a while. And I love the comment "I just have to keep showing up." 122 pounds!!! Awesome!
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