New to Fitness Pal and newly unemployed

Tough reality, I was laid off on Monday and realize I have 10 strikes against me when it comes to my ability to get another Job. Topping the list is 100 unnecessary pounds of fat. I'm 48 yrs old and was with my employer for over 15 years, so along with being fat, by employment standards I'm old and completely out of practice when comes to searching for a new job. The company is offering resume and skills services, but that does not change my appearance. So I'm hear today, to work on that part of the process, which I have completely ignored taking care of myself for at least the last 10 years.

I have a Wii, purchase last year and never really used, including a Wii fit. In two days I have discovered the little machine does not seem difficult but my muscles are sore. Sad to admit I am so out of shape.

Hope I can count on a few folks involved with myfittnesspal to keep me focused.



  • kaytedawg05
    kaytedawg05 Posts: 209
    sent friend request
  • devildogmom
    welcome Tracy .. you will find support here.. Just get up and move. :)
  • brittanybee07
    I am sorry to hear about your lay-off. Use this as an opportunity to better yourself. Which of course is easier said than done, but I want you to know that we are all hear for you! =)
  • yaddayaddayadda
    yaddayaddayadda Posts: 430 Member
    I'm so sorry to hear about your loss of a job. Just want you to know that you will be OK. My husband was out of work for a long time. He was 59 when he lost his job, but he now has a job he likes more that is less stressful. Coming on MFP is a great place for you to find people to support you as you lose weight and make your life better. Set some goals and do something to work towards them every day, and you will achieve them:-)
  • kappyblu
    kappyblu Posts: 654 Member
    Hi Tracy--I am looking for work as well. It's tough out there. You have friends here at MFP. Stay strong. Will be thinking of you. :smile:
  • lishac23
    lishac23 Posts: 16
    Sorry about your job loss, but try and stay focused on the positive and enjoy the BRIEF vacation....something will come along. I bought a wii for my kids and found that I actually enjoy it more than they do. I don't have wii fit, but there are tons of games that provide fun as well as providing a workout (should the Fit game become too plain). Dance games are always a good time. ;-)