5'4 & 150lbs-120lbs.. anyone with similar goals?



  • juliemargaretkim
    juliemargaretkim Posts: 206 Member
    I'm 5'3", started at 152 in August, and have been doing my fitness pal religiously! Calories are 1200/day (I range between 1000 and 1200 daily) and I walk/jog a couple of miles daily. I am currently weighing in at 135 (got there yesterday!) and have absolute confidence I'll reach my 30 lb. weight loss goal, to get to 122! MFP has really done it for me -- this time, I'm not "in a hurry" -- time and tracking my calories is all that it will take. I'm really surprised, actually --it seems like I've wanted to lose these 20 lbs. FOREVER -- but this time, it's working! Hang in there! The big pluses are the way my clothes are fitting (of course), the fact that people are noticing, and most importantly, the extra energy I feel. No one is more surprised than I am that I have started jogging instead of just walking! I have given up sugar and white flour -- and mostly dairy. I eat greens, fruit, veggies, and some protein. Clean eating is right! Good luck!
  • savoringharam
    savoringharam Posts: 14 Member
    Hi! Im around the same weight, btu alot shorter lol 5'1. I want to be around 120 lbs as well. Feel free to add me!
  • Rocknut53
    Rocknut53 Posts: 1,794 Member
    Much, much older than you with 35 years of being overweight. Started MFP seriously in January. Went from 180 to 132 by eating less calories than I burn in a day, weighing and measuring ALL my food, and hiking a lot (750 miles since then). At 5'4" I'm probably at a good weight but still working on a few vanity pounds, the belly is the last to go, sadly. Do it now while you're young and remind yourself not to be like me by taking your whole life to get this accomplished.
  • tiffany_raylene
    tiffany_raylene Posts: 3 Member
    I'm 5'4, currently 179 (already down 20 lb) with a goal of 135-140lb. I'll add you :)
    anyone else can feel free to add me as well!
  • princessalmz
    princessalmz Posts: 8 Member
    Wow awesome :)
    It's nice seeing all these people with similar goals and really motivating to see people who have reached those goals too!
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    edited November 2016
    i'm 5'3" and clawing my way back down from 135ish right now to under-130 at least. i probably weighed 150 when i decided it was time to get real about things, but i didn't pay actual numerical attention until i was at around 140 pounds. i went down under 125 at an early stage of my mfp honeymoon. technically, that was my original goal 'weigh what i weighed in this ancient picture of me and see what i think about it.' but in the meantime i'd taken up lifting, so that wasn't as interesting as i thought it would be by the time i got there.

    i think we should just call 2014-15 the year of my 'slow bulk' and say that i'm on a 'slow cut' for this year :D i like that definition a lot better than just 'i got too casual and regained 15 pounds, so now i'm being more kosher again.'

    i may not be friend material though, as i don't log my food or my weight, don't really do much of the whole 'yay good job' thing or appreciate it as much as i probably should from other people. i'm lifting on the wendler 5/3/1 programme and most of my wall is just random life-based nattering mixed with me either obsessively troubleshooting my squats, or bragging away about what i managed to get on one of the other lifts.

    and i swear a lot.
  • sssssssam1093
    sssssssam1093 Posts: 1 Member
    Pretty much the exact same! 5'4", hovering around 150 with a goal of 115-120.
  • ercarroll311
    ercarroll311 Posts: 295 Member
    5'3", started at 175, now am 117 and looking to maintain (which looks a lot like loss, just with a few more calories)--have been maintaining for 3-4 months now :)
  • zilkah
    zilkah Posts: 207 Member
    I'm 5'4" not too sure how much I weigh, somewhere around 115 right now. My peak was around 130ish so I've lost a fair bit over time. Mainly just looking to build muscle and lose a tad more body fat but definitely welcome to having some friends :)
  • paulinabhg
    paulinabhg Posts: 1 Member
    I'm 5'2, 127-132 (I fluctuated between these two in weight) goal weight is 115 to 120 although if hate to lose my curves. Looking for any and all forms of motivation at the moment since I once again fell off the wagon. So feel free to add me so I may have ideas on what exercises to do and what to eat. Boiled chicken breast and brown rice get boring real quick. I'm what you may consider a skinny fat since I'm not necessarily lean and have a plump belly to boot.
  • dk6boys
    dk6boys Posts: 67 Member
    I'm a little shorter than most of you. 33 yrs, 5ft, 135 pounds, high weight 170, low weight 103. Currently I'm working out (cardio&weights) at least 5 times a week. Calories are at 1500 which I think are too high since I'm gaining not losing at all. I've gotten so discouraged this week.
  • canadianlbs
    canadianlbs Posts: 5,199 Member
    i may not be friend material though, as i don't log my food or my weight, don't really do much of the whole 'yay good job' thing or appreciate it as much as i probably should from other people. i'm lifting on the wendler 5/3/1 programme and most of my wall is just random life-based nattering mixed with me either obsessively troubleshooting my squats, or bragging away about what i managed to get on one of the other lifts.

    and i swear a lot.

    oh, um. and not to sound up myself or anything, but my profile says i reject friend requests unless there's some kind of message with them. it's not personal. i'm a hardcore introvert and i don't grok 'friendship' with people i who haven't even talked to me, so.