Weighing In

krishnip Posts: 32 Member
Hi someone please explain this to me - How can I have gained an entire pound in a day??? I weighed myself at the same time with the same clothes on - Argh!!!


  • krishnip
    krishnip Posts: 32 Member
    ok thanks
  • km8907
    km8907 Posts: 3,861 Member
    What he said. Also it's best to weigh yourself naked in the morning after you've gone to the bathroom.
  • melmelw03
    melmelw03 Posts: 5,332 Member
    It could just be poo. :/
  • krishnip
    krishnip Posts: 32 Member
    Damn Poo :)
  • Jimb376mfp
    Jimb376mfp Posts: 6,232 Member
    edited November 2016
    What they said.
  • PowerMan40
    PowerMan40 Posts: 766 Member
    My wight fluctuates up to 5 lbs from day to day, depending on how much water I drink, carbs or no carbs, food intake, a bunch of factors. Thats why I never weigh daily, but every two weeks or so.
  • JoeCWV
    JoeCWV Posts: 213 Member
    I weigh daily because I like the data. My weight can fluctuate day to day. I've had up to five pounds increase in a day. When I get large fluctuations it is usually easily accounted for with my diary. Oh yea I had pasta and then ate pretzels. Salt and carbs, yep that will do it.

    The weight comes of in the next day or two and I then remain pretty much consistent until my next bad food day. Fluctuation of a pound is a non event. I have actually done this experiment. I weigh myself before urination. I can often lose a pound after urinating. Poo has only ever gotten me down .5 pounds.

    I have also gone down a couple pounds over night. This is usually preceded by an evening of excessive alcohol consumption. Yep dehydrated.

    Point is sudden weight changes are normal and usually can be explained with a little contemplation.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Water weight