Ripped in 30 JM

Has anyone tried this? What are your results?
I was looking for the 30 day shred video but the stores I went to no longer stocked it so I pick up the ripped in 30 days. I really wanted the 30 day shred for the intense ab workout Ive been hearing about. Does this video do a lot with abs? Are the 2 videos pretty similar?
Any input is greatly appreciated :)


  • alexa_image
    alexa_image Posts: 387 Member
  • 1) The workouts are *slightly* longer than 30 Day Shred, I think because the warm-up and stretching parts are a little longer and more involved.
    2) LOTS of new moves are incorporated here! You'll see some familiar exercises, such as side lunges and lunges w/ bicep curls, but Jillian did try to throw in some new stuff that is still very effective. She also claims that she doesn't repeat ANY moves in any of the other levels. I've only gotten through level 1 so far, but I'll take her word for that.
    3) In the strength circuits, there are 3 different moves per circuit as opposed to just 2. I personally appreciated this because it allows for more variation, plus in the past I have had trouble doing 1 strength move for a full minute and now you do each strength move for 30 seconds. Very nice!
    4) I felt like towards the end of circuit 3, things began to cool down a bit - for example, Jillian finishes the final abs circuit with crunches and reverse crunches, which aren't the most difficult ab moves. In her previous videos she pushes you hard throughout the end, which some people may prefer, but for people like me who have been craving a bit of a cool-down without sacrificing extra time, this is beneficial.
    5) I like Jillian's assistants in this video. Some of you might be familiar with Basheera, who I originally liked a lot in 6 Week 6-Pack. Basheera is Jillian's advanced assistant once again, and I could tell even in level 1 she was getting winded and very tired. Fortunately she did not CHEAT, like Jillian's other advanced assistant in 30-Day Shred.
    7) Jillian takes a lot of time and care in instructing form, which is crucial. In the strength circuits, some of the moves are conducted more slowly, but this is not to make it easier - it is to help you concentrate on form! The slower pace gave me more time to sink down lower and really concentrate on what I was doing. I felt in some of Jillian's other workouts, they would fly through some of the strength moves and I would be struggling to keep up and would instead exercise with poor form. This is NOT the case with this newest video!
    6) The music is much, much better!
  • skeeter230
    skeeter230 Posts: 7 Member
    I did this Video and the Shred, same format, but this video Is much harder and I enjoyed it and will be doing it for the second time starting Monday. I did see results only a couple pounds. But I have toned up.
  • kseltzer
    kseltzer Posts: 214 Member
    I haven't done 30 day shred, but I've heard lots of good things about it. I have done ripped in 30 for the past 55 days or so. I like it a lot because it has given me a lot of muscle definition, especially in my biceps, tricpes, quads, glutes, back, etc. I feel stronger in my abs, however there is only 1 minute of ab work per set, so 3 minutes total. That being said, Jillian finds ways to squeeze ab work in while working you are other muscles. I have had many people tell me they don't like how Jillian narrates/talks during the video. She's not a big fan of beginners and would much rather have everyone doing the advanced moves. But I typically do it very early in the morning or during nap time, so I turn it way down and don't listen to her!! I've done week 3 enough that I am was able to do it outside in my yard from memory! Definitely worth the $10....hope this helps.
  • Fabnover40Kat
    Fabnover40Kat Posts: 300 Member
    Thanks Blondebaby!! Im over the SHRED I had much success with it but now Im ready to move on nad from your review I think I will like it better! I agree the SHRED doesnt give you enough time to work on form, therefore i wasnt able to do as many reps as I wanted because I was concentrating on form! Dont get me wrong I loved the results of my SHRED but now I need to move on!
  • I have been on week 2 for awhile now. I want to be able to perfect the moves before advancing to week #3. Week 2 is INTENSE! She does a lot of exercises in Plank Position including plank jacks, mountain climbers, crow push ups and so on.... I do love this video because I feel like I get a great work out in a short time. Have Fun!
  • Nichole1981
    Nichole1981 Posts: 65 Member
    I just started Ripped in 30 on Monday. This is the first JM DVD I have done but I really like it. I feel like I am getting a great workout in under 30 min! Blondebaby is right on with her points.....Great post! I think this DVD is totally worth the money and I can't wait to see my results!!

    PS: kseltzer - I love your quote in your signiture! I may have to borrow it! :wink:
  • Thanks Blondebaby!! Im over the SHRED I had much success with it but now Im ready to move on nad from your review I think I will like it better! I agree the SHRED doesnt give you enough time to work on form, therefore i wasnt able to do as many reps as I wanted because I was concentrating on form! Dont get me wrong I loved the results of my SHRED but now I need to move on!

    You're very welcome :-)
  • kangababy
    kangababy Posts: 187 Member
    After reading this I need to get my video out and do it.. I did it once when I first got it and it about killed me and then I lost the time to do it.. I need to rotate it in somehow... Between bootcamp and Pure Barre
  • reammi
    reammi Posts: 70
    I have done both the 30 DS and Ripped in 30. Week 3 of Ripped in 30 was by the far the hardest of all the circuits. I definitely was ripped when I was done with Ripped in 30 - the muscle toning and definition for me was shocking. I found it comical that after I finished Ripped in 30 I started 30 DS the very next day and found it extremely easy when the first time I did it I struggled. I like them both but Ripped in 30 is a more intense workout and has a better variety of exercises.
  • SerenaP82
    SerenaP82 Posts: 24 Member
    Thanks everybody!!!! Im excited to do it now :) Im going to start it this week.
  • crazie01grape
    crazie01grape Posts: 22 Member
    I finished 30DS last monday and started ripped in 30 last saturday. Ripped is def tougher than 30DS and she def expects people to be working on a more advanced level. Level 1 of ripped there are very few modifications. It is kicking my butt so far and I love it. I am however incredibly glad that I did 30DS first or else I would have struggled through level 1 of ripped. Since starting Ripped I have noticed that I am getting more toned. I am excited to see what my results will be at the end of the month. On top of doing ripped, I am also doing adding an additional 30 min of cardio (jogging) 3-4 times a week.