Is this bad for my diet?

priyul1000 Posts: 13 Member
edited November 2016 in Food and Nutrition
Since Ive started my diet I have successfully lost a lot of weight and as I slowly near my goal weight, have increased my caloric intake and decreased the deflict (there is still a deflict of around 100.) Now that I have increased my intake, I find it hard to meet it as I am used to low caloric intake, as I have been doing so for the past year.

I aim to maintain my weight with a slight deflict, and since I find it difficult to reach my daily requirement, I often indulge chocolates/pastries just to meet my requirements, after having healthy things the entire day.

My question is, is having the sweet stuff everyday just to meet my requirements bad? Note that this is all after I have consumed healthy foods throughout the day. Will this habit lead to me gaining weight?

Please help me, I really don t want to put a years worth of hard work and dedication at risk. I just don t feel right having them, even though it is less that I burn per day, this often causes me to eat one entire slab of chocolate just to meet my requirements. Please help, all answers appreciated.


  • trigden1991
    trigden1991 Posts: 4,658 Member
    As long as you are meeting your calorie goal and losing weight at the rate you want, you can eat whatever you want.
  • MikeAV8s
    MikeAV8s Posts: 85 Member
    Meet your macros first, then eat what you want with the rest. There is no shame in that game.
  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    Nope. I save calories to have dessert almost every night. But make sure you're also meeting your macro/micro goals as well.
  • TR0berts
    TR0berts Posts: 7,739 Member
    What it sounds like you're doing is fine. It sounds like you're balancing nutritious foods with treats. I would think that that would help you as you continue on, as you're able to both get all of your nutrition and enjoy your food.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    Many of the people on this site, who have been successful in both weight loss, and maintenance - incorporate foods like that in on a regular basis. Whether it be a small square of chocolate after dinner, or a serving of gelato that someone has calories for, or a few slices of pizza once a week - eating what you want in moderation, in the context of an overall balanced diet can HELP make someone successful, not hinder their success.

    Here are a few other ideas for calorie dense foods you might want to look at adding:

    As an aside, what you are describing is why it is recommended to ease into maintenance by slowly decreasing your deficit as you get closer to your goal (going from 1 lb/week and a deficit of 500 cals/day to 0.5 lb/week and a deficit of 250 cals/day). It is also recommended to slowly add calories back in to get up to your maintenance level, to avoid short term spikes on the scale from glycogen stores being replenished/water weight.