Never Satisfied

sj915 Posts: 16 Member
I was always athletic, tone, sort of the jock in HS. Played many sports and was always active. When I got to college, that slowly faded, I drank more, worked out less, I packed on the pounds. I finally became determined to get my life back together and since January 2010 I had lost 45 lbs. Without having changed any of my eating patterns or workout schedules, I noticed that I put on 4-5 lbs and have just sat at this marker (weight loss of 40). Oh, I am 25 yrs old, 5'8", 140 lbs. Now I freak out about my weight and how I look. I weigh myself numerous times a day, I am obsessed about how much I eat and probably cry nearly every day that I'm still too fat, a porker, and EXTREMELY scared that I'll put on the weight again and ruin my life. People have said that I plateaud in my workouts and I can't lose anymore. Ok then, well I still run and do either Tae Bo or Jillian Michaels' Get Ripped in 30 (on my 2nd week of that). I still freak out over my weight and food intake, but more so that no matter what I do, I'm not losing anymore weight and I'll never be happy or satisfied with my body. I can't seem to recover from this


  • toristory
    toristory Posts: 11 Member
    I feel you in the freaking out department. I have a suggestion for you, though. If you belong to a gym, and they have spin classes, try them. If not, go to your local YMCA and see about getting a Guest Pass, and try out a spin class! Mix that in with your routine, and I'm pretty sure your plateau will be over!
  • skinnywithin
    skinnywithin Posts: 1,392 Member
    are we ever truly satisfied?
  • flukes9
    flukes9 Posts: 78 Member
    It's normal to never be satisfied with the way you look, but it's not normal to cry every day and weigh yourself numerous times each day. You should tell your doctor and seek support because it sounds like your body is fine, but your attitude toward it isn't. Try to find joy in other things so that you're not constantly obsessing over body's too short to be unhappy every day. Good luck and I hope you find the resources you need to help you.
  • You don't say if your male or female. I think 140 on a 5' 8" male is pretty slender. On a female, I don't think you have too much to lose. However, I think your struggle is more emotional than anything. I don't know if you can talk with someone about your concerns. I pray that you lighten up, forgive yourself, love yourself, and look for small victories. Maybe you just need to relax more and not work yourself to death. Stay away from alcohol and things that depress you. Take care.
  • Replace one of your exercises with something completely different for a few weeks. Do more strength training. The spinning class is a great suggestion. What can also help break a plateau is upping your calories for a few days and then dropping them back down. Try calorie cycling for a few weeks. Most importantly, keep pushing forward! At your height and weight you're working on "vanity pounds" so it WILL be slower, but you can break through it!
  • sj915
    sj915 Posts: 16 Member
    I am a female. still very athletic and active, but see the pouchy stomach, larger arms and thighs and i just don't know how to shred it
  • atcbabe1
    atcbabe1 Posts: 22
    you are actually bmi wise right where you should be for you height. Your body maybe holding on to those 4-5lbs because you need them. I would try to work more on your mind set and eating healthy then on what the scale says
  • gjulie
    gjulie Posts: 391
    hold on 5ft 8 and 140lbs,Im 5ft 2 and 154 and I would love to be 140,sounds very right to me for your height! well done you are entitled to feel great about yourself! Dont be sad you are doing just great!
  • Poniesarepretty
    Poniesarepretty Posts: 77 Member
    You are me 5 years ago! At some point somehting will push you to take it easier on yourself. For me, it was having kids. I got SO BIG during pregnancy and after I just felt gross. Then I realized that I will never get anywhere if I don't respect myself, my body, and be appreciative of everything that I have. Rhianna has it right "Just live your life"! Life is short, try to be happy with where you are, not always worried about where you might/will be.

    Once i stopped worrying--just starting using MFP, doing the logical stuff (eat less, more more) it all fell into place (maybe the lack of stress helped my body let go of the lbs?). I am determined to NOT pass along my issues to my little girl and I want my son to respect all can he learn that if his Mom doesn't like herself? So, long story short...have faith that it will all be ok. You are doing fine, at 5'8 (as i am too) you are at a healthy weight already (I am not there yet, but no worries, I will be!). Now, off I go to pack for my vacation...I am chubby but I look amazing! 2 kiddos and still wow my hubby. I hope that my words inspire you but I know it is easier said than done. Good luck younger me =)
  • VickiMitkins
    VickiMitkins Posts: 249 Member
    Another thing to remember is that your body is different now than it was at 18. You have a mature body, not a teen's body. I know everyone says that females stop growing in their teens, but that's not completely true. You may have reached full height, but had not reached full muscle, bone and mental maturity until a few years later. I actually grew about an inch between 18 and 25. Thank goodness for small blessings, at least I can say I'm 5'1" and not 4'11.5" What I would not give to be 5'8" and 140 lb. In fact, my goal is 140-145 lbs even though I'm only 5'1". That's because I have a large frame and tend to have more muscle than others. The BMI charts say I should weigh around 125 for my height, but that does not work for me. I look sick (in fact would be quite underweight given my frame). It worked great when I was 17, shorter and not fully mature, but not now. This is my rambling way of saying that the others are right and don't be so hard on yourself. Try to be more objective about your body, frame, goals, etc. Look at it, not based on someone on TV or magazine, but on how it fits you. If you find you are unable to do so on your own, talk to someone who can help you in that area. Keep up the physical activity it always help to feel good about yourself after a good work out or hike.
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    at 5'8" 140 pounds is a good weight, you are by far a porker. What an insult to me a person at 5'5" wanting to at least be 150? :explode: :angry:
  • sj915
    sj915 Posts: 16 Member
    It's a personal struggle, not meant to put anyone else down. Maybe if my goal weight wasn't so hight (?), or i didn't put on these extra lbs I might be better, but who knows. With the plateau issue, I've changed my workout patterns to running 2x a week and doing Jillian Michaels' Get Ripped in 30 5-6x a week
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    Looks to me like you just getting started on MFP and you will probably be where you want to be. I looked at your pictures and you look great. What I would give to be in your shoes. So just trying to make you realize you are not a porker, etc.. Yes you are right it is a personal journey, for one you need to know it can be a difficult one, I have had many problems stand in my way. You just have to keep working the steps because you know they will work. To m,e a person at the point you are at, shouldn't even look at the scales, it should be about what size of clothes you wear, muscle tone you can see, etc...