What can u tell me about Ketosis?

at what point does a body go into Ketosis ???

I found out just today that this can make your body deplete calcium from your bones... since i had a hysterectomy at age 26... this is a huge concern for me...

i aim for a high protein diet, but I do not cut carbs... i only cut processed sugars & starches.

I've been googling for info, but it all sounds confusing... layman's terms please... what can you tell me about Ketosis?

and keeping/building bone mass?


  • CaptainAmerica1970
    Adkins Diet,
  • ppiinnkkmmoonn
    the thing works proof of it :) looking in to protein sparing i think it explains it better
  • yesenia195p
    yesenia195p Posts: 36 Member
    I dont know about the calcium, but ketosis is when your body runs out of carbs to use for energy. The forces the body to go directly to fat for energy. The amount a carbs a person takes a day depends on age, sex, weight, and amount of exersise.

    Ive been in ketosis before, and Im trying to get in it again. It usually takes about 3 days of limiting carbs to get into ketosis.

    Along with starches, fruits must be avoided too, except for some berries which are low in carbs.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I believe ketosis is achieved on a low carb diet (about 50g/day). Check out this link for more info:
  • CaptainAmerica1970
    The burning of fat in the body by the absence of carbs, the body will burn the fat, you are consuming large amounts of protein. It really not advised by medical profession, but does work. also you need cabs for healthy brain activity and energy. so you decide.
  • dittiepe
    dittiepe Posts: 557 Member
    In medical terms, ketosis is when your body burns fat instead of carbohydrates for energy. When you're in this, your body produces ketones as a side effect of burning the fat. The ketones are excreted through urine. You need to be careful because if you go too far into Ketosis, you can get gout. Which hurts like a bugger.

    Here's a good link for you to read if you haven't yet: http://www.low-carb.com/atarfavsfake.html
  • Kristhin
    Kristhin Posts: 442 Member
    Ketosis is a rapid fat burning process where your body uses its fat stores to live off of instead of the food you're eating.

    I've never heard of it depleting calcium but I'm not a healthcare professional, so I am not here to tell you that it doesn't.

    Your body has to have used up any and all energy it has from food intake. Typically this requires fasting for 3 days, or a prolonged period of eating significantly below what your body needs to survive. As in eating disorder below. People who lose dramatic amounts of weight in relatively short periods of time, people who eat 600 calories a day. That type of thing.

    With a normal, healthy diet, your calorie deficit is small enough, and your weight loss is slow enough, that you are not in any sort of danger.

    If you are worried about your bone strength, I recommend drinking calcium fortified soy milk daily and eating a yummy salad full of dark green leafy vegetables. Also, you can add in kale and spinach to your smoothies in the morning and it still tastes great while giving you the extra vitamins you need.

    Also, vitamin D has been proven to be the most important thing in maintaining bone density. You only need about 15 minutes of sun a day to get it, but what most of the magazines don't tell you is you need to have a large percentage of your skin exposed to the sun in order for your body to be able to aborb enough. Try hanging around in the backyard doing 15 minutes of gardening each afternoon in shorts and a swim top.


  • Janetlabori
    I've been on a diet under ketosis for over a month. I feel better than ever with lots of energy. This is because the doctor gave me lots of miligrams of multivitamin, glucoase, and potasium. Plus inyections for vitamin b-6 and b-14. I've lost 16 pounds in five weeks.
  • danibee79
    danibee79 Posts: 144 Member
    I followed a diet plan that put ur body into ketosis. But unlike atkins u could eat a different food group on separate days. Think its similar to the cabbage soup diet but I never touched a drop of cabbage soup!!! The book was by Dr Caroline shreeve, called eat yourself slim in 14 days. 1st time I tried it I lost 11lb in a fortnight. My difficulty came when I had to switch back to regular eating. It's not something I think u can maintain long term.
  • kaytedawg05
    kaytedawg05 Posts: 209
    so if ketosis is the result of your body tapping fat instead of food sources, does that mean this is also what's happening if you are hungry before your workout is over?

    example... i have several days a week when I leave my house before 5 and don't get home till 9... by time i get home I'm pretty darn hungry... so i start by biking to the gym... doing the things i want to do there & biking home... by 8 pm my stomach is growling... so... at that point does my body have to tap fat storage for energy?? and is that a way to create ketosis?
  • yesenia195p
    yesenia195p Posts: 36 Member
    I've been on a diet under ketosis for over a month. I feel better than ever with lots of energy. This is because the doctor gave me lots of miligrams of multivitamin, glucoase, and potasium. Plus inyections for vitamin b-6 and b-14. I've lost 16 pounds in five weeks.

    It's b-12 mom :)
  • yesenia195p
    yesenia195p Posts: 36 Member
    so if ketosis is the result of your body tapping fat instead of food sources, does that mean this is also what's happening if you are hungry before your workout is over?

    example... i have several days a week when I leave my house before 5 and don't get home till 9... by time i get home I'm pretty darn hungry... so i start by biking to the gym... doing the things i want to do there & biking home... by 8 pm my stomach is growling... so... at that point does my body have to tap fat storage for energy?? and is that a way to create ketosis?

    No. The only way to create ketosis is to cut carbs ad it takes a few days.