
PLEASE tell me what motivates you all to go workout? i usually am really good about it but have gotten in a little rut. please tell me what motivates you so i can hopefully get some motivation!


  • barbiex3
    barbiex3 Posts: 1,036 Member
    stand in the mirror.
  • foodforfuel
    foodforfuel Posts: 569 Member
    Results. Results are the real motivation!
  • Jodi_O
    Jodi_O Posts: 32
    Guilt. My mom bought me a treadmill and paid a lot of money for it. If I don't use it I'll feel guilty.
  • lesliebean
    upbeat music. make you want to mooove :)
  • mssweetjay
    mssweetjay Posts: 142
    My health, appearance, and the smaller clothes in my closet is my motivation. My MFP friends on this site is a extra bonus for my motivation. I'm tired of failing myself year after year. I'm determine to be me but in a different body!!!!!!! I remind myself its up to me to take this road to the finish line!!!!!!!!!
  • cathyAprice
    my family...and the mirror! mostly my family though--I want to be around awhile!! God gives us one body so we've got to take care of it :)
  • juliapurpletoes
    juliapurpletoes Posts: 951 Member

    I hate to admit this but many times it is fear. don't want to feel in pain again, don't want to be lacking in energy like before, don't want to look away from the mirror when I see myself or hide behind others in photos.

    Fear isn't a great motivator, because alot of us learn to just accept fear and live in it. But for now, I just don't want to go back to the ways i lived before.

    Best of luck - I believe you will find the mindset it patient and loving to yourself!
  • Serenifly
    Serenifly Posts: 669 Member
    My Before pics ... lol plain and simple
  • midget4
    midget4 Posts: 4
    I have a hard time motivating myself too, but once I get to the gym or I'm out exercising I'm fine. So I just make myself get there, and then I know I'll work out! Not sure if that will actually help you, but it does me haha