Tips/Recipe please? ☺

Hi there! Newbie here. Mind if you share some tips? It has been 3 days since I started my healthy diet and I am enjoying it so far. So, I would like to ask from you guys if you have more tips/recipes to share ☺ Thank you in advance!


  • GrinnyMae
    GrinnyMae Posts: 55 Member
    I think a simple thing for anyone to do is start by adding more fruits and vegetables to your diet. If you build all of your meals around the vegetables you'll feel more full and naturally eat less of the more calorie dense foods.
  • megsCA
    megsCA Posts: 42 Member
    My biggest Tip, Find nutrient dense, low calorie foods to fill you up. Think about the "size" of what you are eating in the beginning as this helps to make you 'feel full'

    For example - a 3 cup romaine salad with carrots, peppers, celery, cucumbers tomatoes and 3 oz of protein (Chicken, Tuna, beans or Eggs are my fav!) can run you 150-250 calories and is HUGE when its all put into a Tupperware. the bulk of the lettuce will help satisfy your chewing needs and your calorie needs!

    My favorite 80 calorie snack is 4 stalks of celery (about 30 sticks once you cut it up), 6 baby carrots and 2 Persian cucumber cut into spears. Its a HUGE baggie that I can mindlessly munch on and physically fills me up.

    Also - If you don't mind leftovers... Make and plan a week ahead. my favorite Week of Protein recipe is 4 chicken breast put in the crock pot with a jar of Chunky Green salsa, a can of diced olives, 1 minced onion, and 1 can of green chilies. Set on low for 6 hours or high for 4. I can use it for a salad topper, chicken tacos, enchiladas, soup or even on a bed of rice. I have it prepped and ready and that makes it so easy for me to avoid eating out.
  • SapphicDiurnal
    SapphicDiurnal Posts: 9 Member
    edited November 2016
    Megs that's an amazing tip! I just started as well, and I can see that I only have ~800 calories left for today... I HATE cooking, so I eat out a lot and eat quick snacks like chips. (Terrible, I know.) I never even thought about the crock pot! I will do something like that this weekend! I hope you don't mind that I added you.