Need some answers plssssss!!!!

Hi all, i am hoping you can give me some advice to help out my sister! My sister is part of MFP, but is really discouraged. She has been watching what she eats, and weighs anywhere from 157-161. She would like to get down to anywhere from 135-140. Ok, here is the problem............ A few months ago, she had a stroke, which left her able to walk, but limited. She has left arm paralysis, so it is hard for her to really exercise like you or me. She has gone to the gym with us and has done what her body will allow her to do without feeling like she is gonna fall over.

I am looking for any kind of help that i can offer to her to help her in her journey to weightloss. She is discouraged, and i dont blame her.,

Any help or advice would be GREATLY appreciated! TY All!


  • Apryl546
    Apryl546 Posts: 909 Member
    She could try swimming. Even if she can't use her arms as much as you or me, how are her legs?
  • cmduncan
    cmduncan Posts: 69
    Walking, when she can is good enough - and punches (even if only one sided) will raise the heart rate and burn some calories.
  • Dellonious1
    Dellonious1 Posts: 209
    So Sorry to hear about what happened to your sister. I pray that she will be okay.
    Does she happen to have any gaming systems? I have a Wii and I got the biggest looser work out game. It is Great, you can go at your own pace. Feel free to add me and your sister is more than welcome to add me as well.

  • ejmcam
    ejmcam Posts: 533 Member
    Maybe she should consider meeting with a therapist or trainer to help her out! Is there one at your gym that could help her?
  • skinnylizzard
    skinnylizzard Posts: 460 Member
    Would an aquacise class be good? When they use the left arm, she could maybe use the right again and she would be standing in water, so it would be easier.
  • If you go to Youtube and type in "Bed Exercises" there are some hard core excersises you can do in bed. That way she won't have to worry about falling and hurting herself..

    I wish you the best, and only the best. :flowerforyou:
  • infosynth
    infosynth Posts: 81 Member
    She has gone to the gym with us and has done what her body will allow her to do without feeling like she is gonna fall over. I am looking for any kind of help that i can offer to her to help her in her journey to weightloss. She is discouraged, and i dont blame her. Any help or advice would be GREATLY appreciated! TY All!

    You might consider talking with her physical therapist about what kinds of exercises would be most helpful to her in her weight loss journey, given her current physical condition.
  • First of all, ty all for your responses.

    Her one leg is just fine, but her other one is not so good, she kinda has to whip it around to walk (not really sure how to word it any onther way). There is no swimming at the gym we go to...actually we go to a rec center where they have treadmill, stairs, stationary bikes and weights and such.

    I will pass onto her all of your wonderful suggestions, and a big TY again!
  • peachNpunkin
    peachNpunkin Posts: 1,010 Member
    Wow, I am so sorry you guys are having to go through this. Water aerobics would probably benefit her. If she can float, she doesn't have to worry about losing her balance while in the water, because she wont fall and hurt herself. Look into community sites as well, like the Y. Sometimes they have programs for those who are disabled from stroke and amputation.

    I pray that the Lord gives you strength to get through this bump in the road. You both are welcome to add me if you wish. God Speed!
  • Katie320
    Katie320 Posts: 61 Member
    I'm so sorry to hear about your sister's stroke. I can only imagine how difficult life must be for her. Remind her that by going to the gym and doing the exercises that she can she is already ahead of so many people who have more able bodies. Seriously inspirational.

    What about a recline bicycle? Is she getting physical therapy and can she ask her therapist for recommendations? The Wii idea is a good one too.

    With walking, is stability the issue or stamina? If it's stability maybe she could try walking around a grocery store with a cart. Several laps around a Costco would be pretty good exercise.
  • onebigbutt
    onebigbutt Posts: 48
    I too have physical restrictions. I get discouraged too, and only exercise in my house, but when I do move and work up a sweat, I feel so proud of myself. Any movement at all is better than nothing! If your sister would like to friend me, maybe we could encourage each other! :)