
mrsbuzz Posts: 576 Member
Not sure I spelled it right, but anyways. What do you think about this product? Is it safe? Has anyone used it? My brother in law told me to take it and it would help me lose weight, but I don't want to take anything that is harmful to my body. Just curious to wall of you think.:flowerforyou:


  • mrsbuzz
    mrsbuzz Posts: 576 Member
    Not sure I spelled it right, but anyways. What do you think about this product? Is it safe? Has anyone used it? My brother in law told me to take it and it would help me lose weight, but I don't want to take anything that is harmful to my body. Just curious to wall of you think.:flowerforyou:
  • renae77
    renae77 Posts: 3,394 Member
    I guess it would work if used right with exercise and healthier eating but really that is all you need. But I did take it for the energy. That's all I got out of it b/c I didn't use it with exercise and good eating.
  • marisa0918
    I took/take it. It didn't really help me lose weight though. Really the only reason that I continue to take it is becuase it gives me more energy without the bad side effects. 3 days a week I am gone for 15 hours between work and school then I come home to a 20 month old so I need all the energy I can get! haha I think they say to take like 4 or 6 pills a day, but I only take 2 a day. If you do decide to take it just don't expect a miracle :wink:
  • superduperbandnerd
    don't do it.... Yeah it gives you and energy spike, but that comes with the jitters. also it really speeds up your heart. That can't be good. But just do what you know is right, don't look for a quick fix. If you really want to change your just going to do it the old fashioned reliable way.:ohwell:
  • Dave198lbs
    Dave198lbs Posts: 8,810 Member
    a real easier way and much cheaper way to get the same exact result as these things is to drink coffee or take caffiene pills...that is the magic ingredient in these things...caffiene is good IN MODERATION...but be careful...eat right, work out .....be patient and Bingo
  • momtobobby
    I took it a couple of years ago and it sent me to the hospital. My heart was racing so fast it scared me and I ended up having a panic attack. But here's the thing, I also already consume alot of caffeine because I drink diet sodas. So it was just too much caffeine for me. Don't really know what to tell you. I am sure it will boost your energy, but be careful if you have any sensitivity to caffeine at all.
  • sarabear
    sarabear Posts: 864
    My husband takes it no problem, so I decided to try it for energy, it gave me the jitters and I felt like my skin was crawling:noway: So I think it depends on the person, some can handle it, so can't. I does give you energy and that about it.
  • paullynch
    I am going to try it, I have no experience with it, but a little extra energy can help me right now.....I had a friend stop drinking soda, and fast food meals, with Hydroxycut, he lost 13 lbs in a month. Its worth a shot....
  • lauren85
    I have been doing Hydroxcut for a week and a half now and I have lost almost 10 pounds and i have more energy then ever before. so it does help... its better then soda and coffee cause you dont have to worry about all those calories that the drinks offer. when you take pills its worth it and its 10x better then anything esle. its a good little boost to help you lose weight
  • lauren85
    ok one thing about this product is you cant drink alot of soda.. drink water... and you wont have the jitters or the headaches that some people get... the hydroxcut pill has caffine in it already so why add more it to your body? if going to use this product i suggest you read up on it and make sure what to do with it and what not to do taking it
  • hibbler22
    hibbler22 Posts: 339 Member
    Ive started trying out hydroxycut max its for women, only before my workouts, and you must drink plenty of water!