
OS_KAT Posts: 176 Member
Drinking after losing weight is like insane!! I have not been buzzed this easily for a while


  • OS_KAT
    OS_KAT Posts: 176 Member
    Am I the only one?
    EZDUZIT68 Posts: 1,168 Member
    I actually found my tolerance IMPROVED!
  • OS_KAT
    OS_KAT Posts: 176 Member
    What??? Really?? Why do you think that is?
    EZDUZIT68 Posts: 1,168 Member
    I don't know, it's strange because I know it should be the opposite! In my case I think the combination of booze and crappy food was actually making me feel worse and contributed to my hangovers. Now that I'm eating healthier it seems I can drink the same amount yet I drink slower and don't feel lousy the next day.
  • OS_KAT
    OS_KAT Posts: 176 Member
    Oh that makes sense! Although I have to say I have been eating healthier for a long time and haven't had alcohol for a while. That is probably all the reasoning I need
    EZDUZIT68 Posts: 1,168 Member
    LOL. Yes, if you drink in a regular basis (I don't BTW) you'd tend to build tolerance.
  • OS_KAT
    OS_KAT Posts: 176 Member
    That is good to know. Obviously not a big drinker (my face feels weird?) hahaha
  • 777Gemma888
    777Gemma888 Posts: 9,578 Member
    My tolerance is pretty much unchanged. Drank the attached with ice or straight and later through cocktail mixes ... 34.5%, 50% and 20% alcohol felt more like I was drinking juice ...Think Hard lemonade. I had to consciously STOP myself. At one point in my life I would have just kept going. Now I drink volumes I need to, not beyond that.

    Ceased drinking alcohol for the greater part of 17 years. Restarted primarily for work.

  • OS_KAT
    OS_KAT Posts: 176 Member
    Holy crap!!! You are definitely a professional
  • 777Gemma888
    777Gemma888 Posts: 9,578 Member
    edited November 2016
    [Smile] I did start young, so EZDUZIT68's building tolerance comment might hold validity OS_KAT.

    My sis and I sampled these ones this evening, and the Apple brown butter and 140 proof moonshine yesterday. My mind protests at times ... My inner health freak. Lol
  • OS_KAT
    OS_KAT Posts: 176 Member
    Wow that sounds delicious though!! I didn't start drinking until I was 21 -- heh. I was raised in a conservative family. Maybe I just need to work on my tolerance
  • 777Gemma888
    777Gemma888 Posts: 9,578 Member
    Most likely @tolerance OS_KAT.

    My family is/was rather Conservative. Think, turning savages into Christians ... Southern Baptist/Methodist type of Christians on one side ... lol ... Traditional Catholic on my father's side. I'm liberal Anglican who is seriously considering Judaism conversion.

    Let's see ... First communion was my first sip of that gawd awful libation@communion wine [gag] ... Boarding school in NZ saved me ... Friends owned Vineyards and Wineries [some are selling very well here in the US] and manning their family tents@Wine festivals was my real introduction. Laws there permitted children to drink, if parents or a responsible adult was around. Exactly a year after my first communion. When in Rome ... Cheers!
  • 777Gemma888
    777Gemma888 Posts: 9,578 Member
    Thinking on it ... It was fairly common where I grew up to give us [babies] a dose of Gripe Water - Woodwards brand, which contained at least 3.6% alcohol at the time, every night. Was made to understand it was either Gin or Scotch with herbs concoction. The colic scare only exacerbated its usage all over the Commonweath in the late 60s to 70s. They now have it in non-alcoholic formulations.

    Tolerance building? Maybe. Eeesh!
  • Angela937
    Angela937 Posts: 514 Member
    I get drunk really easily anyway, but has gitten worse now that I weigh less. But I've never had a hangover before, no puking or headaches no matter how wasted I've been. But I always stay very hydrated, pretty much only drink water. So I think that helps with recovery bc I don't dehydrate.
    EZDUZIT68 Posts: 1,168 Member
    I first drank - REALLY drank - at 14. I got so drunk and sick I SWORE I'd never ever touch another drop. I did that again at 15, at 16... you get the picture. I finally learned my lesson and am proud to say I haven't gotten plastered or gotten sick from drinking in about 15 years. And like Angela937 said, hydration is key - hydration and pacing.
  • zenaxe
    zenaxe Posts: 203 Member
    I'm sipping on some Armegnac...what weight loss?
  • OS_KAT
    OS_KAT Posts: 176 Member
    Hahaha I actually forgot I started this thread. FYI, the next day was horrible :/
  • Timshel_
    Timshel_ Posts: 22,834 Member
    I drink all the time and haven't noticed a difference, except now I feel guilty about the calories.
  • jacksonkris8
    jacksonkris8 Posts: 51 Member
    I've got some apple pie moonshine in the fridge... :smile: