*Ladies only* ToM and staying on track...



  • simplystephy
    I am on a birth control pill and only get my period every 3 months... Even though it lasts for about 4-5 days..those days are tortureeee, I love anything sweat. I just always try to keep sugarfree gum in my bag to try and forget about it.
  • julieinomaha
    I don't care what day it is, I feel deprived if I don't have at least some chocolate. I had previously "accepted" being about 10 - 15 lbs over my true target goal. I turned 40 and felt soft so started working out 4 days a week and getting toned but felt if I worked that hard I should be my ideal weight. I just started the 1200 a day net calorie diet to get that 10 to 15 off. What I found at Costco were Brookside dark chocolate pomegranates. I simply can not believe how rich and satisfying just a few of these are. I am only on day 6 of the new diet and this website is fantastic. Anyway, give them a try and I hope they help. They are a true treat and you can eat about 10 of them for 100 calories although 5 is plenty. Also try Nature Valley granola thins - dark chocolate for 80 calories. Also 2 days ago I was so hungry but I was out of calories so I took the dog and my girls for an hour walk to "earn" calories for a treat and snack. Hopefully I will adjust to the 1200 calories, it isn't much.

    good luck and try the treats, I hope they help you.
  • Bethany28
    Bethany28 Posts: 263
    I just got through with my TOM... I was craving chocolate too! I just ate me some hershey kisses or sugar free pudding. That seemed to calm my cravings a little bit. I managed to stay on track. I ended up losing 3 pounds when I was so worried about it!!!

    Great job on the 3 pounds!
  • Bethany28
    Bethany28 Posts: 263
    For some reason I have no problems staying on track during shark week:laugh: LOL

    One thing I do is buy a bag of tootsie pops and eat one per day during shark week, usually after lunch or dinner for a sweet snack. Plus they are somewhat low cal to other things you could be eating. Or I eat 60 cal nonfat pudding snacks... YUM

    I love those 60 calories Jello pudding cups!