Newbie trying to lose 20 lbs!

simplystephy Posts: 9
edited September 29 in Introduce Yourself
Hey Guys
I would love some extra support and motivation. I am 5'6 and attempting to get into amazing shape by losing about 20lbs. My problem is fighting cravings, any tips?


  • radradradradrad
    radradradradrad Posts: 101 Member
    what are your cravings? sweet? salty?
    try portion control packages of snacks that satisfy your craving, whether salty or sweet.
  • cybillzimmer
    cybillzimmer Posts: 5 Member
    Don't let yourself get really hungry... that's when you binge.

    Also, I found these great new snacks... cocoa roast almonds by emerald. They are awesome and come in 100 calorie packs.
  • cheeksv
    cheeksv Posts: 521 Member
    A lot will say you can have whatever in moderation. I have actually given stuff up because I know its better for me that way and with no regrets. either way you kinda just need to do it. The tools on this site logging your food and such help to keep you honest. Some keep there diaries open so people can see what you eat. This helps too.
    Little tricks to keep away from bad foods brush your teeth, or use mouthwash. You wont want to muck them up with bad foods after they are nice and clean :) Good luck
  • fb13
    fb13 Posts: 3
    I hold off cravings by drinking herbal tea. It takes a little while to drink something hot, and i find by the time i've finished, i've lost interest in snacking. Hope this helps! :smile:
  • You Guys are Awesome thanks!
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