Words of wisdom from my 13 year old son

So my 13 yr old son gasped as he say my calorie overage at dinner after I entered my salad amd cookie at Paradise Bakery.

He said "It's ok Mom, you did a good workout yesterday and go again tomorrow, you will even it out."

Keep in mind he is "my life", single mom, no contact with his dad..blah blah... My mom says we are like best friends. He has been on this journey as my support the last year, and works out with me three days a week.

He asks "What did you pack for lunch?"

I told him I was running late this morning and did not have time. At lunch, I grabbed Taco Bell.

"Why Taco Bell?"

"It was cheap and fast bud"

He quickly replied "Take the S out of fast mom, just sayin"


He is such a smart kid! I am lucky to have him helping me on my journey.


  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Ha ha! Love it! That's awesome how much he supports you!
  • MrsLopez77
    this is wonderful ... i love hearing stories like this, i am so glad you are both able to support each other :)
  • AnotherMichelle
    AnotherMichelle Posts: 110 Member
    Sounds like youve got quite the support and partner! I envy that! My two year old just kisses me when I come up from the crunches haha
  • livingfitwithlori
    livingfitwithlori Posts: 28 Member
    Sounds like youve got quite the support and partner! I envy that! My two year old just kisses me when I come up from the crunches haha

    I don't get kisses anymore, just the occasional hug! Treasure those kisses;)
  • dustyhockeymom
    dustyhockeymom Posts: 537 Member
    Very cute. My 11 year old son is very supportive of me too. He always asks if I worked out and about my calorie totals. He looks at packages and comments on calories in items. He is very skinny and plays a lot of sports, so he doesn't need to worry about weight, but I am glad he is learning good habits. He is always telling me how good I am doing. I tease him sometimes that he is monitoring me, but I know he is just wanting me to do well. Its great to have him as a support.