Would you classify me as "sendentary" or "lightly active"?

When I initially input my numbers, I put myself down as sedentary, but given that I take about 1 hr walks 5 days a week...should I bump it up to "Lightly Active"?

I haven't been losing weight lately, and I'm wondering if maybe my numbers have been set too low. With the way I have it set up right now, MFP gives me 1200 cals/day...

Any info/input/help would be GREATLY appreciated!!


  • withchaco
    withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
    I'd choose sedentary and log the walks as exercises.
  • andreacord
    andreacord Posts: 928
    Sedentry, because your activity that they're basing it on is activity BEFORE exercise. Which means your walks should be logged as exercise.
  • WifeMomDVM
    WifeMomDVM Posts: 1,025 Member
    Try upping your calories to 1400-1500. Then, I suspect, in about 3 weeks or less you will see the scale go down again. You have to eat to lose.

    I keep mine on sedentary though, I don't want the computer to overestimate what I might be burning every day.
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    No. Count the walk as exercise.
  • wanderingwest
    I am fairly active. But put in that I was sedentary. I log my exercise and eat back some (but not all) of the exercise calories.
  • withchaco
    withchaco Posts: 1,026 Member
    And remember, exercise outside of your regular activity level gives you extra calories to eat :)
  • barbiex3
    barbiex3 Posts: 1,036 Member
    if you take an hour walk 5 days a week, then you probably need about 200 calories more for everyday you walk, so 200 x 5= 1000 extra calories a week, so you could maybe zig zag your calories like this

    Monday: 1200
    Tuesday: 1400
    Wednesday: 1300
    Thursday: 1600
    Friday: 1200
    Saturday: 1500
    Sunday: 1300

    adding about 1000 calories per week. Zig zagging confuses the body, so it does not get used to a set number per day. Perhaps have friday or saturday your higher days =P more fun! lol but yes up those calories girl!!
  • Peep_chic
    Peep_chic Posts: 369 Member
    sedentary or lightly active is more about the rest of your day. If you're home all day like me I would put sedentary and log exercise for calories. If you work say in walmart walking around or anything like that then your job makes you move so you'd be lightly active.
  • juliapurpletoes
    juliapurpletoes Posts: 951 Member
    Yeah - sedentary and log all legitimate exercise. Not sure how much you are wanting to lose, but 1200 is really low. Alot of us have done better and faster weight loss at around 1400.

    Unless you have 50 or more to lose then create a smaller deficit, give yourself a few more calories. You'll have more energy to exercise and muscle tone.

    Reserach this site for "guide to calorie deficits and really read it thoroughly - great info!
  • Lolyballs
    Lolyballs Posts: 180 Member
    this is good to know. I've been thinking that the calories listed for me are too high. I'm thinking maybe I should change my activity to sedentary. I have been sedentary for 10 yrs anyway... I just started exercising a month ago.
  • pauljsolie
    pauljsolie Posts: 1,024 Member
    And remember, exercise outside of your regular activity level gives you extra calories to eat :)
    This is possibly the best thing I've learned on MFP. Exercise no longer is a burden, it's a ticket to being able to eat more. Why didn't I learn this years ago in school? Oh wait, I guess I did.
  • starkid120
    starkid120 Posts: 204 Member
    Awesome!! Thanks for all the replies you guys!!

    I guess I'm not doing this wrong like I thought! I'll take your advice too and up my calories to btw 1200-1500.

    Thanks so much!!
  • Larius
    Larius Posts: 507 Member
    And remember, exercise outside of your regular activity level gives you extra calories to eat :)
    This is possibly the best thing I've learned on MFP. Exercise no longer is a burden, it's a ticket to being able to eat more. Why didn't I learn this years ago in school? Oh wait, I guess I did.

    We learned the theory in school, but we did not learn the application.