Couch to 5K

monkeybusiness2806 Posts: 46
edited September 29 in Fitness and Exercise
I have always wanted to be a "runner" however every time I attempt it I think I push myself too hard and end up quitting
within the first couple of days. I was looking around for a program that would help me out and I found the couch-to5K running plan, not sure if everyone has heard of it or not. I was just wondering if anyone had completed it and if it actually helped you run 3miles on a regular basis.

here is the link


  • I tried it about a year ago or so, but running's just not my thing and I didn't enjoy it. I prefer to workout indoors with videos. Guess that shows my age!
  • I have not finished the program, but so far I am doing well. It slowly builds up your stamina. I do have several friends who have finished the program and have been very successful.
  • mrobertson911
    mrobertson911 Posts: 5 Member
    This is a great program. I have been following it and have found it very easy and motivating! Good luck!:wink:
  • lynne_p
    lynne_p Posts: 173 Member
    I have completed the C25K twice. My biggest problem was trying to go too fast. Also, make sure you give yourself a day off after every run. It is a very good program.
  • farmgirlsuz
    farmgirlsuz Posts: 351 Member
    I was never a runner. In fact I despise running. Every time I see somebody running down the street I always thought "what part of that is fun?"

    That being said, three weeks ago I decided that maybe running might help get my weight loss back on track so I started the C25K program by downloading a free app on my smart phone. It is really quite far....and on a side note...I can't believe I am actually saying this, but I am looking forward to the next day when I get to do it again!!! I am so excited about seeing if I can actually follow this through and run for more than five minutes without collapsing! I am really starting to be surprised at what my body can do with just a little push!

    Give it a try-if you like it GREAT, if not, there are a ton of other things you can do just to get moving!
  • April5785
    April5785 Posts: 12 Member
    I personally have not finished the program but I have friends who run 1/2 marathons now from it. I have started it 3 different times and didn't complete it. I am not into running and didn't have music which I believe was a huge obstacle. One time I had to quit because of an unrelated injury. I plan to start again when I get a treadmill (outdoor heat and humidity is not for me). Definitely give it a try!!!GL
  • BobbyDaniel
    BobbyDaniel Posts: 1,459 Member
    Did C25K last fall, been running since. Working toward my first 10K race when one is available and then a mini-marathon.
  • asilmegan34
    asilmegan34 Posts: 256 Member
    Couch to 5k rocks! Especially if you get the app on your phone. You go week by week and it tells you when to run/walk and you can still listen to music. A+
  • yes_i_can
    yes_i_can Posts: 419
    Love it! Running my first 5K race on Sunday. :)
  • lindak71
    lindak71 Posts: 92 Member
    I LOVE C25K! I started out walking at the track on my own, adding small spurts of jogging, maybe a 1/2 lap at a time. I kept adding to the runing portions and by the time I found C25K I started at week 4 or 5. I went by distance, not time. I wanted to know that I could run a full 3 miles when I did a 5K, not just 30 minutes. What's great about running is that you are never finished- you can always improve your time or increase your distance or both. I did a 5k on 6/5/10 when I wasn't finished with the program and I came in at 42:42. On 9/11/10 I ran my 1st full 5K in 34:25. On 6/4/11 I participated in the same 5K from last June and finished at 30:55. I've gotten my 5K under 30 minutes now, so I've been adding distance, and I can finish 5 miles, just slower than my 5K pace. I do at least 3 miles every other day, with 1 long run a week.

    Good luck and enjoy it! Running does great things for the body, but it's amazing what it can do for your mind and spirit!
  • danog8
    danog8 Posts: 6 Member
    Couch to 5k is great! My brother and I did it last year and ran a 5k last August. It was a really great reward after all the training! You should definitely give it a try! I really don't like running much, but it sets out clear goals and a reasonable schedule, which helps tremendously! Also, if you have a smartphone (and honestly, even if you don't) search for sportypal app in the Android market! It's a great way to keep up with your runs! Good luck!
  • This sounds like it could work for me. I really do not like running, but I find that while I am trying to exercise inside, I get bored easily. Maybe I should try this program outside.

    Thanks for the link, and good luck to you!
  • heather62803
    heather62803 Posts: 266 Member
    I just completed week 1, which was hard for me, not so much the physical part, but I don't have a treadmill and was trying to do this outside in southern IL with super high temperatures and high humidity. I think I will continue the program, but I'm going to put it off until the fall, when the temps start dropping a bit. I have never been very good at running and the high temps were making it really difficult for me. I have heard awesome things about the program and some people on here have had great results. I'm really anxious to get back into it again!! You can download free podcasts with music and running cues which was a big helper for me!! Good Luck!
  • MrsPolks
    MrsPolks Posts: 3
    I used to hate running, but decided to try the c25k. Loved it and when i was done ran 2 5ks, didn't walk in either, and finished both. Now it's just trying to beat my last time. One thing......DO NOT skip steps or try to "cheat" the program. You will pay for it. Follow it and you will be running 5ks in no time.
  • queen_bea
    queen_bea Posts: 118
    I have completed the C25K twice. My biggest problem was trying to go too fast. Also, make sure you give yourself a day off after every run. It is a very good program.

    i did week 1 day 1 and it killed me. 3 weeks later, i did it again, and didnt push as hard as i did before. When i run, i run like a bat out of hell to begin with, then crash and burn afte about a minute. So i didnt do that this time and i didnt nearly die.... i'm hoping to do it more often but at the moment i just dont have the time (well, i do, at 1am, but cant go running in the park at 1am... rape vibes. lol)
  • fastbelly
    fastbelly Posts: 727 Member
    I recently started this and my partner soon followed, she just did the first workout and today will be her second. I'm going to have to take a rest day today because as usual I overdid the whole thing.

    Feel free to add me if you'd like to share experiences or discuss results/strategies.
  • I had started it, but twisted my ankle (not during a C25K walk/run!) so I've had to put it aside for now, which really sucks because I was just getting into it.

    If you don't mind techno/electronica-type music, there are Podcasts that include beat-changes so you know when to walk and when to run.... Personally I was using the "Podrunner Intervals." Decent beats and without lyrics I could really focus on breathing and let my thoughts wander while doing it.
  • Autumn1206
    Autumn1206 Posts: 126
    There are lots of folks on this website doing the couch to 5k program. You can probably find any number of threads where people are starting a burn and want to do a support thread. Basically you would start the program with other people.

    The best advice I could give, which nobody gave me, because I didn't ask is MAKE SURE YOU HAVE THE RIGHT SHOES. I am an overweight beginning runner myself, and I had to take a two week break after the first week and a half because I gave myself tendonitis from having bad shoes. And it's going to hurt. You are going to hurt in places you didn't know existed on your legs, ankles and knees. If you can, pop a few ibuprofen a few minutes before you run, and it will help you get through it.

    But, if you're like me, and from what I am seeing, alot of us, you will start the first week or so and you might hurt. You might feel like you're going to pass out from breathing heard or the muscle cramps, but you're going to think #1 I can't believe I did that! and #2 I can't wait to kick that program's butt!

    Pay attention to your nutrition, don't be afraid to take supplements and pain medication and if all else fails don't be afraid to talk to your doctor. You are asking your body to do something entirely new and your muscles are not going to like it. Just give it time and forgiveness and you will get it done!
  • llkilgore
    llkilgore Posts: 1,169 Member
    I haven't finished yet, but I've already made the transition to runner. I'm in week 7 and ran 25 minutes straight this morning, and the hardest part was having to leave my dog (and long time walking companion) in the house. If you'd told me 7 weeks ago that the hardest part of running 25 minutes without a walking break would be disappointing my dog, I would have thought you were nuts.
  • Newkell
    Newkell Posts: 379 Member
    I have been doing this program as well. I have learned that I have to pace myself and eventually my pace has gotten better. Also if you come up on a week that is too hard for you there is no shame in repeating a week. I plan on participating in my first 5k in september. I expect I will walk a good part of it but that is still several weeks off so who knows, I might even surprise myself. The couch to 5k is a great program and even my dog gives it two paws up!
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